Budget Resources
Philip Dearman and Emma Vines
The 2023–24 Budget includes measures designed to provide certainty
of funding for Australia’s national broadcasters, as well as further support
for the eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) and viewers who receive direct-to-home
free-to-air television via the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST)
service in the absence of available traditional infrastructure. It also provides
further assistance to the Australian Associated Press (AAP) newswire service as
part of a broader program aimed at supporting media diversity.
Funding for the national broadcasters
The government has delivered on its election commitment, announced
in November 2021, to shift Australia’s national public broadcasters from a
3-yearly to a 5-yearly funding cycle. The budget papers announce that the government
will ‘provide $7.7 billion over 5 years from 2023–24 to support Australia’s
national broadcasters, including $6.0 billion for the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation (ABC) and $1.8 billion for the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)’ (Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2023–24, p. 171).
Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland announced
on budget day that the ABC and SBS will receive an additional $72 million over 4
years ‘to extend and roll 3 previously terminating programs into ongoing
funding’, including the ABC Enhanced News Gathering, the SBS Media Sector
Support and the ABC and SBS Audio Description. These programs support journalism
jobs in regional bureaus and provide increased accessibility for both linguistically
diverse and vision impaired Australians.
Funding provided to the public broadcasters, and to the ABC
in particular, has been the subject of substantial debate over recent years,
with The Guardian reporting
in February 2022 on ABC claims, made to a Senate Estimates committee, that it
had lost $526 million since the 2014–15 Budget. At the same time, academic
researchers argued
‘the ABC’s accumulated lost funding from fiscal years 2014–15 to 2024–25 will
reach a staggering $1.201 billion’.
The ABC has welcomed
the budget announcements, stating ‘the budget provides financial stability and
allows the ABC to continue delivering on its charter, serving Australian
audiences across the country and in our region’. News of possible job losses at
the ABC, reported
immediately after the Budget, does not appear to be connected to budget
appropriations, but rather seems related to the restructure of news and content
divisions announced
in November 2022, and to the 11% pay rise (over 3 years) for ABC staff announced
in April 2023.
SBS similarly welcomed
the shift to a 5-year funding cycle, stating ‘SBS welcomes the continuity and
stability which the five-year funding model provides, ensuring that we are able
to keep delivering our vital services for all Australians and especially
multilingual and First Nations communities’.
Online Safety
The government is providing additional funding to the eSafety
Commissioner to support their work in online safety education, and its outreach
and investigative activities.
paper no. 2 (p. 179) indicates the government will provide $134.1
million in additional funding over the next 4 years, and $33.7 million per year
ongoing, in addition to the office’s current base annual funding of $10.3
million. Minister Rowland made it clear in a budget day media
release that the government was ‘increasing its base operational funding
from $10.3 million to $42.5 million per year’.
eSafety was created by the Enhancing
Online Safety for Children Act 2015 (and in fact, at that time the entity
was titled ‘Children’s e-Safety Commissioner’). Subsequent legislative changes,
including the Online
Safety Act 2021, have broadened the role of eSafety: it is now a focal
point of regulatory strategies for making the internet a safer place for all
Australians, not only children.
The increased funding is presented in the budget papers as
delivering on the government’s commitments in 2 areas: it supports a wider
regulatory response to technological change, which can empower Australians ‘to
have safer and more positive online experiences’ (Budget
strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2023–24, p. 152); and it is a
component of the Women’s
budget statement 2023–24, which states the additional funding:
will ensure eSafety can continue to
fulfil its statutory obligations and support women’s safety online. It also
allows eSafety to continue providing webinars and workshops that complement the
National Plan [to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032] and help
victim-survivors of technology facilitated abuse. (p. 55)
In the leadup to the Budget, the government claimed eSafety was
facing a ‘funding cliff’ created by the former Coalition Government. This term
was used in a budget day ministerial media
release on communications funding, and also previously by Minister Rowland in
Question Time on 27 March 2023, when she was asked about challenges faced
by eSafety in supporting the Government’s objectives. She responded:
The fact is it has been relying on non-ongoing or terminating
funding for years. Can you believe that eSafety's base funding of $10.3 million
has never been increased since it was established in 2015? This is despite
eSafety being given significantly expanded powers. In fact, after 30 June this
year, thanks to funding decisions by the now opposition, eSafety would've faced
a funding cliff, with their overall funding dropping from $53.8 million down to
$23.3 million. That's a more than 50 per cent decrease, and as with every
budget announced in the last government, they went for short-term expediency
and never addressed the structural underfunding of key agencies like eSafety.
Viewer Access Satellite Television
The government will provide funding to extend the VAST program
for 8 years, from 2023–24 (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 186).
VAST was established in 2010 as part of the transition to
digital TV in Australia. The program provides direct-to-home satellite
free-to-air (FTA) TV services (commercial and public), and ABC and SBS radio services,
for households where reliable reception of terrestrial FTA TV is not available.
VAST is also available to travellers through mobile satellite reception
The program is operated by a consortium of regional TV
companies and provided through Optus satellites. Free TV, the peak group
representing commercial TV broadcasters in Australia, has welcomed
the announcement of funding certainty for VAST, as has Optus.
While the Australian Government provides funding to
commercial broadcasters through grant agreements, the provision of ABC and SBS TV
and radio services on VAST is supported by the annual appropriations made to
the national broadcasters. The Annual
report 2021–22 of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional
Development and Communications indicates that funding is provided to the regional
broadcasters ‘for actual expenses incurred in providing the required commercial
free-to-air services over VAST’, and that the broadcasters ‘must meet reporting
requirements and key performance indicators, and provide invoices for expenses
incurred’ (p. 125). It also notes a very minor increase in the number of
registered VAST households, ‘from 250,953 to 252,644’ (p. 125).
A review of VAST was conducted in 2018, 2 years ahead of the
original contracts with commercial broadcasters ending in June 2020. The issues
paper for that review noted the rationale for funding broadcasters to
provide such a service.
Traditionally, broadcasting services have been funded either
directly by Government or by advertising revenue. However there have always
been isolated areas of Australia that are difficult and expensive to cover with
a terrestrial transmission. Advertising revenue has not been sufficient to
justify commercial investment, hence special arrangements, such as VAST
funding, being implemented as a safety net for viewers in these areas. (p. 14)
One outcome of the 2018 review was an extension of funding by
the Morrison Government for a further 4 years to 2023–24, as announced in the
2020–21 Budget (Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2020–21, p. 144).
In a speech
given to the Communications and Media Law Association seminar in November 2022,
Minister Rowland stated that the future of VAST was an issue that had ‘been
stuck in a cycle of short-termism’, and that it demanded ‘near-term
consideration’ (p. 7).
Budget paper no. 2 lists the funding amount for VAST as
‘nfp’ (not for publication) due to commercial sensitivities (p. 186). However,
the Regional
ministerial budget statement: October 2022–23 indicates that the
Australian Government has so far provided $172.7 million in total funding
towards VAST from 2009–10 to 2023–24, including $14.1 million for 2022–23 and
$14.3 million for 2023–24 (p. 190).
The statement added:
Over 262,000 households across Australia, primarily in
regional and remote areas, rely on a Viewer Access Satellite Television
(VAST) service for access to free to-air television by direct-to-home
satellite. This includes 38,000 travellers who also use the VAST service when
travelling through areas where there is no signal from a terrestrial broadcast
transmission site… Through funding provided by the National Indigenous
Australians Agency, the VAST platform also carries Indigenous Community
Television (ICTV) and 14 Indigenous radio services. (p. 190)
Supporting media diversity
The Budget includes $9.1 million over 3 years from 2022–23
to ‘support local news media and promote media literacy’ (Budget
paper no. 2, p. 183). This includes:
$1.6 million in 2023–24 for further development of the News
Media Assistance Program (NewsMAP), which received $4 million initial funding
in the October 2022–23 Budget (Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: October 2022–23, p. 166)
$2.5 million over 2 years from 2023–24 to build media literacy in
culturally and linguistically diverse communities
$5.0 million over 2 years from 2022–23 to support the
financial sustainability of AAP.
AAP describes
itself as ‘a purpose driven not-for-profit organisation … [which] no longer
has any shareholders and is committed to independent, fact-based journalism’.
The company receives a mix of philanthropic and government support. It has previously
received $20 million from the Australian Government through the Public
Interest News Gathering Program. AAP’s financial
report for the year ended June 2022 indicates this funding agreement is
scheduled to end on 28 June 2023 (p. 12). AAP has welcomed
the additional funding, stating it is looking forward to working with the
government on further development of the NewsMAP program.
All online articles accessed May 2023
For copyright reasons some linked items are only available to members of Parliament.
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