Budget Resources
Amanda Biggs
Key figures and trends
Total spending on health in the 2023–24 Budget is estimated
to be $106.5 billion, representing approximately 15.6% of the Australian
Government’s total expenditure (Budget
strategy and outlook: budget paper no. 1: 2023–24, p. 201). Table 1
shows health expenses by function.[BA(1]
Table 1 Health function
expenses, 2022–23 to 2026–27 ($ million)
Note: (e) = estimate. Totals
may vary due to rounding.
Source: Australian Government,
Budget Strategy and Outlook: Budget Paper no. 1:
2023-24, 210.
paper no. 1 provides a breakdown of each function, briefly summarised
below (pp. 210–212):
Medical services and benefits, comprised largely of Medicare and
the Private Health Insurance Rebate, account for $39.3 billion in 2023–24.
- Expenses
for medical benefits are expected to increase over the forward estimates due to
population growth, growth in use of medical services and high value items, and
the ‘Strengthening Medicare’ measure (discussed in detail in the Budget review
article on ‘Medicare’).
- In
2022–23, Medicare benefit payments are expected to be $3.5 billion lower than
forecast in the previous Budget, largely due to a reduction in demand for
COVID-related activities (p. 106).
Pharmaceutical benefits and services, primarily comprised of
subsidies for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines, is anticipated to
be $18.2 billion in 2023–24.
- While
expenses are forecast to decrease in real terms by 7.0% over the forward
estimates, primarily due to the impacts of existing pricing policies, it is
important to note these estimates do not include new listings.
The Commonwealth’s contribution to the states and territories
towards public hospital funding is estimated to be $28.4 billion in 2023–24.
Hospital services, mainly comprised of payments to the states and
territories to deliver veterans’ hospital services, accounts for $999 million.
- Expenditure
is expected to increase over the forward estimates, mainly due to a return to
pre-COVID-19 activity levels.
Health services, which include Government expenses towards the
delivery of population health, mental health, blood and blood products, health
infrastructure, medical research (including disbursements from the Medical
Research Future Fund) and other allied health services, is expected to account
for $13.2 billion in 2023–24.
- Expenditure
is expected to decrease over the forward estimates, largely due to the
cessation of COVID-19 measures.
General administration, including health workforce measures,
support for primary care and rural health initiatives, and general
administrative costs, is estimated at $4.3 billion in 2023–24.
- Expenses
are expected to decrease due to the cessation of COVID-19 measures.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, comprising the
Health portfolio’s Indigenous-specific services, is estimated at $1.2 billion
in 2023–24.
- Expenses
are expected to increase in nominal terms, but decrease in real terms over the
period 2023–24 to 2026–27.
- Average staffing levels for the Health portfolio agencies
(including Sport and Aged Care agencies) will rise from 8,740 in 2022–23 to
9,564 in 2023–24 (Agency
resourcing: budget paper 4: 2023–24, p. 159).
Significant policy measures
Selected significant health portfolio measures are outlined
below. Measures around aged care, Medicare, Indigenous health, the National
Disability Insurance Scheme and tobacco and vaping are covered in separate
articles. The page references below refer to Budget
measures: budget paper no. 2: 2023–24 unless otherwise indicated.
Reinvesting in health and aged care
- The Budget includes a reinvestment of $1.7 billion over 4 years
from 2023–24, with savings to be re-directed to a range of new or expanded
health and aged care services (p. 146). Measures that benefit from the
reinvestment include the establishment of a National Clinical Quality Registry
Program (p. 140); dental funding (p. 138); the Royal Children’s Hospital
Melbourne’s Good Friday Appeal (p. 132), preventive health (p. 143),
reducing harm caused by alcohol and drugs (p. 144) and the Therapeutic Goods
Administration (p. 153), among others. The Portfolio
budget statements 2023–24: budget related paper no. 1.9: Health and Aged Care
portfolio (Table 1.2, p. 33) outlines the programs that are providing
the savings for this measure. Nearly half relate to ageing and aged care
programs (see also the Budget review ‘Aged
care’ article).
Reducing patient costs and improving
services through community pharmacies; PBS medicines; immunisation
Savings of $1.3 billion over 4 years from 1 July 2023 will be
achieved predominantly through changes
to the maximum dispensing quantity for around 325 medicines (patients will
be able to buy 2 months’ worth of medicines for the price of 1 month, reducing
the dispensing fees paid to pharmacists), which will be introduced over 3
tranches from 1 September 2023. Savings will be reinvested, with
$1.3 billion provided over 5 years from 2022–23 to reduce patient costs
and improve access to medicines and related services delivered by community
pharmacies. This includes $654.9 million for community pharmacy programs;
$377.3 million to improve access to the Opioid Dependence Treatment program;
$111.8 million for electronic-prescription delivery; $114.1 million for
community pharmacies to deliver eligible vaccines; and $79.5 million to
double the Regional Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance to support the ongoing
viability of pharmacies due to reduced dispensing income (pp. 145–146).
- $2.2 billion is provided over 5 years from 2022–23 for new and
amended listings on the PBS, the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme,
the Life Saving Drugs Program, the National Epidermolysis Bullosa Dressing
Scheme and the Stoma Appliance Scheme (p. 142).
- $449.4 million is provided over 5 years from 2022–23 for new and
amended listings on the National Immunisation Program, while efficiencies of
$74.1 million over 4 years from 2023–24 will be delivered largely due to the
recommended dose schedule for Gardasil®9 reducing from 2 to 1 for some patients
(p. 141).
Mental health
- $556.2 million over 5 years is provided to strengthen mental
health and suicide prevention systems. $46.8 million in expenses will be
partially offset by reducing funding from a 2018–19 budget measure
‘Prioritising mental health – aftercare following a suicide attempt’ and a
2021–22 budget measure ‘Mental health’ (pp. 139–140).
COVID-19 response
- Additional funding is provided to continue the Government’s
COVID-19 response, with most elements funded to 30 June 2024. This includes
$757.4 million over 2 years from 2022–23 for continued access to a range of
vaccine administration channels and $285.5 million over 2 years from 2022–23 in
payments to the states related to testing and vaccination. Further COVID-19
treatment and vaccine purchases have been made, with financial implications not
published due to commercial sensitivities. There are also some measures
intended to support future preparedness, including a $43 million
investment in ICT infrastructure (this also extends some existing programs) and
$12.7 million to establish and maintain a GP-led Respiratory Clinic Panel
that can be activated if needed in a health emergency (pp. 127–129).
Establishing an Australian Centre for
Disease Control
$91.1 million over 2 years is provided from 2023–24 to progress
the establishment of an Australian Centre for Disease Control, which was an
election commitment. This is on top of $3.2 million allocated in the last
Budget for initial design and consultation work (p. 131). See also the
Budget review ‘Public sector’ [BA(3] article.
Reducing harm caused by alcohol and
other drugs
In addition to expanding access to opioid dependence treatment,
the Budget provides $33.6 million over 2 years from 2023–24 towards the
extension of a range of Australian Government-funded alcohol and other drug
treatment programs (p. 144).
Stakeholder reaction
Generally, the health budget has been positively received by
stakeholders according to Croakey’s rolling
coverage of initial reactions. However, some groups have expressed
concerns. The National
Rural Health Alliance has expressed disappointment that rural health reform
was not addressed, while Suicide
Prevention Australia believes the Budget has overlooked people in crisis.
Pharmacists are concerned about the proposal that would extend the timeframe to
dispense designated medicines from 30 days to 60 days’ supply. The Pharmacy
Guild has warned some pharmacies may shut their doors or limit their
services as a result of this measure.
All online articles accessed May 2023
For copyright reasons some linked items are only available to members of Parliament.
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