Treasury portfolio

Additional Estimates 2008-09 (February 2009)

Treasury portfolio

Index to Questions on Notice (PDF 274KB)

Responses to questions taken on notice at the Additional Estimates hearings were due on Friday 17 April 2009 - standing order 74(5) takes effect 30 days after this date.

Answers to Questions on Notice





AET-1 Bob Brown Treasury Economic stimulus package - ecological assessments (PDF 8KB)
AET-2 Bob Brown Treasury Economic stimulus package - tax bonus (PDF 8KB)
AET-3 Bob Brown Treasury Foreign investment - Australia/China (PDF 10KB)
AET-4 Bob Brown Treasury Insider trading - Fortescue (PDF 16KB)
AET-5 Eggleston Treasury Australian Business Investment Partnership (PDF 35KB)
AET-6 Bob Brown ATO AID/WATCH - charitable status (ATO) (PDF 7KB)
AET-7 Bob Brown Treasury AID/WATCH - charitable status (Treasury) (PDF 14KB)
AET-8 Eggleston PC Paid paternity leave (PDF 23KB)
AET-9 Eggleston PC Australia's fertility rate (PDF 8KB)
AET-10 Eggleston PC Government drought support (PDF 12KB)
AET-11 Eggleston PC Labor election promise to rate child care centres (PDF 8KB)
AET-12 Eggleston PC Evidence based policy (PDF 8KB)
AET-13 Humphries Treasury SES positions within Treasury (PDF 7KB)
AET-14 Williams ASIC Storm Index Fund (PDF 20KB)
AET-15 Siewert ACCC Investigating unions (PDF 7KB)
AET-16 Abetz ACCC ACCC vs Leahy Petroleum Pty Ltd (PDF 9KB)
AET-17 Abetz ACCC Breaches of the Trade Practices Act (PDF 7KB)
AET-18 Abetz ACCC Legal matters (PDF 8KB)
AET-19 Abetz ACCC Criminal penalties for cartel behaviour (PDF 6KB)
AET-20 Abetz ACCC Possible criminal division (PDF 7KB)
AET-21 Abetz ACCC Recordkeeping (PDF 7KB)
AET-22 Fierravanti-Wells ACCC Cartel conduct (PDF 22KB)
AET-23 Fierravanti-Wells ACCC Choice and the Grocerychoice website (PDF 22KB)
AET-24 Fierravanti-Wells ACCC Criminal prosecution of Mr Richard Pratt (PDF 23KB)
AET-25 Fierravanti-Wells ACCC Mandatory Horticulture Code (PDF 7KB)
AET-26 Siewert Treasury Medical Expenses Tax Offset (PDF 7KB)
AET-27 Boyce Treasury National Health Care Agreement (PDF 28KB)
AET-28 Johnston Treasury Foreign exchange (PDF 6KB)
AET-29 Abetz ABS Unemployment levels (PDF 6KB)
AET-30 Milne Treasury Funding for education (PDF 12KB)
AET-31 Xenophon Treasury Tobacco tax (PDF 9KB)
AET-32 Abetz/Bushby Treasury Nation Building and Jobs Plan - GDP and jobs estimate modelling (PDF 16KB)
AET-33 Joyce Treasury Stimulus package - mathematical calculations (PDF 22KB)
AET-34 Coonan Treasury Australian Business Investment Partnership - criteria (PDF 8KB)
AET-35 Coonan Treasury Australian Business Investment Partnership - foreign banks (PDF 9KB)
AET-36 Coonan Treasury Modelling that supports 50,000 construction jobs (PDF 7KB)
AET-37 Joyce Treasury AAA rating (PDF 9KB)
AET-38 Joyce Treasury Stimulus package - $900 payment (PDF 6KB)
AET-39 Abetz Treasury OzCar (PDF 5KB)
AET-40 Abetz Treasury Liberty Financial (PDF 7KB)
AET-41 Abetz Treasury SPV legislation (PDF 9KB)
AET-42 Eggleston Treasury Rio Tinto Board - number of directors (PDF 5KB)
AET-43 Coonan Treasury Recommendation of disallowed takeover proposals (PDF 8KB)
AET-44 Eggleston Treasury Short selling bill (PDF 10KB)
AET-45 Payne Treasury First Home Owners Grant - number of applications (PDF 6KB)
AET-46 Payne Treasury First Home Owners Grant - number of new and existing dwellings (PDF 6KB)
AET-47 Payne Treasury First Home Owners Grant - timeframe for new dwellings (PDF 6KB)
AET-48 Payne Treasury First Home Owners Grant - ownership of overseas houses (PDF 7KB)
AET-49 Payne Treasury Funding for investment in residential mortgage backed securities (PDF 9KB)
AET-50 Eggleston Treasury Stimulus package - social housing (PDF 17KB)
AET-51 Bushby Treasury Social housing - new and existing (PDF 10KB)
AET-52 Boswell/Abetz Treasury Caltex - price of petrol (PDF 15KB)
AET-53 Milne Treasury Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (PDF 10KB)
AET-54 Eggleston Treasury Carbon Pollution Reduction  Scheme - distribution (PDF 7KB)
AET-55 Abetz Treasury Insulation and solar energy (PDF 9KB)
AET-56 Abetz Treasury Forestry managed investment schemes (PDF 5KB)
AET-57 Bushby Treasury Government spending (PDF 8KB)
AET-58 Bushby Treasury Government spending - ERC (PDF 5KB)
AET-59 Bushby Treasury Consultants engaged by Treasury (PDF 12KB)
      Attachments A and B:  Treasury consultancies entered into between
25 February 2007 and 24 February 2008, and between 25 February 2008
and 24 February 2009
(PDF 39KB)
AET-60 Bushby Treasury Superannuation default funds (PDF 6KB)
AET-61 Payne Treasury First Home Saver Account (PDF 21KB)
AET-62 Bushby Treasury Henry Tax Review (PDF 5KB)
AET-63 Bushby Treasury Henry Tax Review - GST [answer combined with AET-64] (PDF 24KB)
AET-64 Abetz Treasury Disaggregated categories [answer combined with AET-63] (PDF 24KB)
AET-65 Coonan/Abetz Treasury Stimulus package payments (PDF 19KB)
AET-66 Abetz Treasury Jobs within the Australian public sector (PDF 6KB)
AET-67 Abetz ATO Promotions within the ATO
Staff attrition rate of the ATO
(PDF 10KB)
AET-68 Bushby APRA Default funds under the modern award system (PDF 14KB)
AET-69 Bushby APRA Default funds - increase in administration fees (PDF 5KB)
AET-70 Abetz/Macdonald ASIC Gunns Pulp Mill (PDF 16KB)
AET-71 Williams ASIC Storm Financial (PDF 8KB)
AET-72 Williams ASIC Selling of shares (PDF 6KB)
AET-73 Macdonald ASIC Pensioners and retired persons - ability to repay loans (PDF 6KB)
AET-74 Heffernan ASIC Multiplex, Stoneglow Limited and the CFMEU (PDF 9KB)
AET-75 Payne Treasury Mortgage providers (PDF 14KB)
AET-76 Abetz ABS Retail surveys (PDF 13KB)
      Attachment:  Feature article - changes to monthly retail trade statistics (PDF 41KB)
AET-77 Abetz ABS Budget process - expenditure for retail surveys (PDF 5KB)
AET-78 Abetz ABS Employment within the ABS (PDF 6KB)
AET-79 Abetz ABS 2011 census (PDF 10KB)
AET-80 Pratt ABS Census - Northern Territory and the Kimberley (PDF 12KB)
AET-81 Abetz ABS Statistic fund cuts - international comparison (PDF 8KB)
      Attachment A:  Newspaper article - 'A tale of two economies: how the ABS
gets it wrong'
(PDF 171KB)
      Attachment B:  Newspaper article - 'Hall pulls wrong tale on ABS accounts' (PDF 101KB)
AET-82 Bushby AOFM Bonds held by the AOFM (PDF 15KB)
AET-83 Joyce ACCC Grocerychoice - number of hits (PDF 8KB)
AET-84 Fielding ACCC Profiteering on petrol (PDF 7KB)
      Attachment A:  Letter from Mr Joe Dimasi, Commissioner, ACCC, relating to recent spikes in the price of unleaded petrol, dated 30 January 2009 (PDF 399KB)
      Attachment B:  Letter from Ms Margaret Arblaster, General Manager, Fuel Group, ACCC, relating to recent spikes in the retail price of unleaded petrol, dated 16 February 2009 (PDF 59KB)
AET-85 Boswell ACCC Horticulture Code (PDF 7KB)
AET-86 Boswell ACCC Horticulture Code (No. 2) (PDF 8KB)
AET-87 Boswell ACCC Recommendations for the Horticulture Code (PDF 5KB)
AET-88 Fielding ACCC Invitation to petrol presentations by Mr Dimasi (PDF 6KB)
AET-89 Brandis ACCC Communication between Mr Gregson and Mr Martine (PDF 17KB)
AET-90 Joyce ACCC Gene patenting (PDF 11KB)
AET-91 Brandis ACCC Grocerychoice and a non-government organisation (PDF 6KB)
AET-92 Boswell Treasury Methane emissions (PDF 20KB)

 For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719