Budget Estimates 2002-2003 Additional information received (including responses to questions on notice)

Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee Estimates

Budget Estimates 2002-2003
Additional information received (including responses to questions on notice)



Question no/s

Date of receipt

Department of the Parliamentary Reporting Staff
Clarification of evidence (PDF format) n/a 27 May 2002
Answers (Word format)  
Circular[P05] (Word format)
P02-10 5 July 2002
Report[P05] (PDF format)
Att.A[P06] (Word format)
5 July 2002
Att.B[P06] (PDF format
Report[P07] (Word format)
5 July 2002
Att.A[P10] (Excel format
Att.B[P10] (Excel format)
5 July 2002
Additional Information- Passwords (Word format) n/a 5 July 2002
Joint House Department
Clarification of evidence (PDF format) n/a 27 May 2002
Answers (Word format) P11-13 28 June 2002
Department of the Senate
Clarification of evidence (PDF format) n/a 28 May 2002
Department of the Parliamentary Library
Answer (Word format)  
Attachment (Excel format)
P01 5 July 2002

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio


Question no/s

Date of receipt

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Correction of evidence (PDF format) n/a 28 May 2002
Answer (PDF format) n/a 29 May 2002
Clarification of evidence (PDF format) n/a 3 June 2002
Clarification of evidence (PDF format) n/a 3 June 2002
Answers (Word format)  
Attach[P11] (PDF format
PM10-144(various) 10 July 2002
Attach[P13] (PDF format) 
Attach[P30] (PDF format)
10 July 2002
Attach[P39] (PDF format) 10 July 2002
Australian National Audit Office
Answers (PDF format) PM56-61 7 June 2002
Answer (Word format) PM71 26 June 2002
Australian Public Service Commission
Clarification of evidence (Word format) n/a 14 June 2002
Answers (Word format) PM80-81,152-154 25 July 2002
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Answers (PDF format) PM128-150 14 June 2002
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
Answer (Word format) PM62 21 June 2002
Office of National Assessments
Answers (Word format) PM126-127 10 July 2002
Answers (Word Format) PM15,17,19,29,35,42,
27 September 2002

Finance and Administration portfolio


Question no/s

Date of receipt

Department of Finance and Administration
Answer (PDF format) n/a 31 May 2002
Answer (Word format) n/a 3 June 2002
Answers (Word format) F1-51 8 July 2002
Answers (Word format) 
Attachment[F68] (Word format)
F52-100 8 July 2002
Answers (Word format) F101-153 8 July 2002
Revised Answer (Word Format) F7 27 September 2002
Revised answer (PDF format) F102-106 20 November 2002