Inquiry into administrative review of veteran and military compensation and income support

Inquiry into administrative review of veteran and military compensation and income support


1 The Returned & Services League of Australia Limited (Word format)
2 Slater & Gordon (Word format)
3 Injured Service Persons Association National Inc (ISPA) (Word format)
4 Legacy Australia (Word format)
5 Regular Defence Force Welfare Association (RDFWA) (Word format)
6 National Legal Aid (Word format)
7 Veterans' Review Board (VRB) (Word format); Attachment A - Copy of Annual Report of Veterans' Review Board 2001-2002 (PDF format); Attachment B - 'Procedure of Veterans' Review Board' (Word format); Attachment C - 'Outline of Process - Lodgement of Application for Review by VRB to Decision by VRB (Word format); Attachment D - 'Average Time Taken (days) - 2002-2003 (Word format).
8 Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales (Word format)
9 Sparke Helmore (Word format)
10 Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) (Word format)
11 Administrative Review Council (ARC) (Word format)
12 Vietnam Veterans' Association of Australia (VVAA) (Word format)
13 KCI Lawyers (Word format); Attachment - Ex-Service Organisations Working Group Briefing Paper (PDF format)
14 Attorney-General's Department (Word format)