View the report as separate downloadable parts:
List of Recommendations
Terms of Reference
1. Introduction
The Bills and their referral
Context of the inquiry
Conduct of the inquiry
Report structure
Outline of the bills
Rationale for the bills
General view on the objectives of the Bills
Committee comment
2. Biometric systems and privacy
Biometrics and biometric identification
Privacy concerns
Other human rights concerns
3. Identity-matching services, the interoperability hub and the National Drivers License Recognition Solution
Scope and purpose of identity-matching services
Accessing identity
The range of identity-matching services
Local government or non-government entity requests
4. Collection, use, protection and disclosure of identification information and reporting and review requirements
Collection of identification information
Protection of identification information
Authorised use and disclosure of identification information
Delegation Powers
Reporting requirements
5. A workable identity-matching regime
Biometric systems and privacy
Identity-matching services, the interoperability hub and the National Driver License Facial Recognition Solution
Collection, use, protection and disclosure of identification information and reporting, and review requirements
6. Australian Passports Amendment (Identity-matching Services) Bill 2019
Delegated legislation
Automated decision-making
Committee comment
A. List of submissions
B. List of witnesses appearing at the public hearings
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Friday, 17 August 2018