Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio

Additional Estimates 2007-2008— (February 2008)

Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts portfolio

Index of Questions on Notice 
     Tuesday, 19 February 2008 and Friday, 22 February 2008   (PDF 935KB)   (Word 456KB)

Tabled documents
DEWHA, copies of Murray-Darling Basin Commission reports:
     Report for the week ending Wednesday, 13 February 2008
and River Murray System Drought update No. 11, December 2007   (PDF 2343KB)

Correction of evidence
DEWHA, dated 16 April 2008, clarification of evidence given 22 February 2008 as to the level of drought across the Murray Darling catchment basin in 2007  (PDF 121KB)
DEWHA, dated 21 April 2008, correction of evidence given 19 February 2008 concerning the Biodiversity Hotspots program  (PDF 183KB)

Revised answer
DEWHA, dated 16 July 2008, revising answer previously provided to question on notice number 25 (PDF 1781KB)

Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Approvals and Wildlife Division  (Word 74KB)
Arts and Culture Division   (Word 134KB)
Australian Antarctic Division    (Word 27KB)
Corporate Strategies Division     (Word 67KB)
Heritage Division     (Word 41KB)
Industry, Communities and Energy Division     (Word 36KB)
Industry, Communities and Energy and Division Environment Quality Division (Word 24KB)
Marine and Biodiversity Division    (Word 68KB)
Natural Resource Management Programmes Division    (Word 118KB)
     qon25 attachment (Excel 74KB)
Parks Australia Division     (Word 56KB)
Policy Coordination Division   (Word 80KB)
Water Group comprising Resources Division, Water Assets and Natural Resources Division and  Water Resources Division (Word 156KB)

Australia Business Arts Foundation Ltd  (Word 42KB)
Australia Council    (Word 124KB)
     qon67 attachment (PDF 279KB)
Australian Film Commission  (Word 36KB)
Australian Film, Television and Radio School  (Word 36KB)
Australian National Maritime Museum  (Word 68KB)
Bundanon Trust  (Word 40KB)
Bureau of Meteorology  (Word 233KB)
    qon4 attachment (PDF 160KB)
Film Australia Limited  (Word 34KB)
Film Finance Corporation Australia     (Word 44KB)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority    (Word 40KB)
National Gallery of Australia    (Word 50KB)
National Library of Australia     (Word 56KB)
National Museum of Australia   (Word 62KB)
National Water Commission  (Word 36KB)
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust  (Word 40KB)


For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: eca.sen@aph.gov.au