Report on the Inquiry into Nursing - The patient profession: Time for action

Report on the Inquiry into Nursing - The patient profession: Time for action

1 June 2002

© Commonwealth of Australia 2002
ISBN 0 642 71163 1

View the report as a single document - (PDF 2711KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Membership of the Committee (PDF 60KB)
List of acronyms (PDF 53KB)
Overview (PDF 71KB)
Recommendations (PDF 92KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 100KB)

Terms of Reference
Conduct of the Inquiry
Previous inquiries and reviews into nursing

Chapter 2 - Nurse shortages and the impact on health services (PDF 310KB)

Nursing in context
The nursing workforce Nursing Labour Force 1999
National Review of Nursing Education published information
State and Territory nursing dataFactors impacting on demand for nurses
The shortage of nurses
Supply of nurses Nurse education
Overseas nurses
Retention and workplace issues
Recruitment and the image of nursingImplications of the nurse shortage
Use of agency nurses and casualisation of nursing workforce
Quality of care
Professional development of new nurses
Skills mixWorkforce planning Adequacy of existing nurse workforce data
Chief Nursing Officer Conclusion
National Registration Conclusion

Chapter 3 - Undergraduate education (PDF 342KB)

Current models of nurse education and training Registered nurses
Specialist nurses
Enrolled nurses
Unregulated care workersImproving undergraduate education and training programs
Provision and funding of additional undergraduate places
Clinical component of undergraduate courses
Clinical placements in undergraduate courses
Content of undergraduate courses
Duration of undergraduate courses
Options for a fourth year
Funding of the clinical education component of courses
Cost of undergraduate courses for students HECS exemptions
Other support measures
ConclusionTransition from university to practice Graduate nurse programs
Preceptorship programs
The role of nurse educators
Enrolled nurses
Articulation between nursing levels Conclusion
National nursing curriculum

Chapter 4 - Improving other aspects of education and training (PDF 254KB)

Enrolled nurse education
Midwifery education
Continuing education and professional development
Postgraduate education
Advanced practice nursing and Nurse Practitioners
Credentialling for advanced practice nursing
Unregulated healthcare workers
Information technology
Nursing research

Chapter 5 - Interface between the education sector and the health system (PDF 154KB)

Improving the interface between the education and health sectors
Partnership initiatives
Joint curriculum development
Joint appointments/clinical chairs
Shared facilities

Chapter 6 - Recruitment, retention and return to nursing (PDF 233KB)

Recruitment Status of nursing profession
Overseas recruitmentRetention Nature of nursing
Career structure
Transition to practice
Unqualified workers
Nursing leadership
Management supportReturn to nursing – Re-entry and refresher programs
Making a nursing career more family friendly Working conditions
Parental leave
Caring for relativesImproving occupational health and safety
Violence in the workplace
Manual handling
Needlestick injuries
Glutaraldehyde and latex

Chapter 7 - Aged care nursing (PDF 174KB)

Aged care nursing staff
Implications of RCS funding
Remuneration in aged care sector
Use of unregulated workers in aged care
Specialist education
Administration of medication
Commonwealth Government programs

Chapter 8 - Needs in specialist nursing (PDF 288KB)

Mental Health
Rural and remote nursing
Attracting people to nursing who will practice in rural and remote areas
Improving education of rural and remote nurses
Further education and re-entry education
Improving retention rates
The Indigenous nursing workforce
Community nurses
Neonatal nurses
Paediatric nurses
Critical care nurses
Operating room nursing
Emergency nurses
Oncology nurses

Government members minority report (PDF 87KB)
Glossary (PDF 104KB)
Appendix 1 - List of public submissions, tabled documents and other additional information authorised for publication by the committee (PDF 173KB)
Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the committee at public hearings (PDF 106KB)
Appendix 3 - Issues raised in submissions responding to anf questionnaire (PDF 109KB)
Appendix 4 - Bibliography (PDF 103KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829