Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio

Additional Budget Estimates 2006-07 — (February 2007)

Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio

Index to Questions on Notice (QoN) (PDF 113KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN Topic PDF format
PM 01 The honours system (PDF 104KB)
PM 02 The honours system (PDF 155KB)
PM 03 The honours system (PDF 39KB)
PM 04 Honours secretariat precinct works (PDF 33KB)

PM 05

State Coach

(PDF 82KB)

PM 06

State Coach

(PDF 2226KB)

PM 07

State Coach

(PDF 21KB)

PM 08 State Coach (PDF 41KB)

PM 09

State Coach

(PDF 25KB)

PM 10

State Coach

(PDF 20KB)

PM 11

Staffing - personal classifications

(PDF 219KB)

PM 12 Staffing - salaries outside the band (PDF 78KB)

PM 13

State Coach

(PDF 23KB)

PM 14 State Coach (PDF 36KB)
PM 15 National plan for water security (PDF 87KB)
PM 16 National plan for water security (PDF 87KB)
PM 17 National plan for water security (PDF 87KB)
PM 18 National plan for water security (PDF 87KB)
PM 19 National plan for water security (PDF 87KB)
PM 20 Expenses for visiting heads of state and heads of government (PDF 48KB)
PM 21 Prime Minister's visit to Broome (PDF 28KB)

PM 22

Prime Minister's contribution towards visit to Broome

(PDF 30KB)

PM 23 Cost of sending a jet to Broome to collect the Prime Minister (PDF 24KB)

PM 24

Vehicles used for senior officials' meeting 1 (SOM1)

(PDF 34KB)

PM 25

COMCAR vehicles

(PDF 32KB)

PM 26

COMCAR vehicles

(PDF 27KB)

PM 27

APEC 2007 - Transport costs

(PDF 46KB)

PM 28 Official development assistance expenditure and activities (PDF 61KB)
PM 29 Siev X - sinking details (PDF 55KB)
PM 30 Recruitment agency spending (PDF 49KB)
PM 31 Recruitment agency spending (Governor General) (PDF 59KB)
PM 32 Recruitment agency spending (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)

PM 33

Recruitment agency spending (Australian National Audit Office)

(PDF 61KB)

PM 34 Recruitment agency spending (Australian Public Service Commission) (PDF 21KB)

PM 35

Recruitment agency spending (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

(PDF 43KB)

PM 36

Recruitment Agency Spending (IGIS)

(PDF 41KB)

PM 37

Expenditure on opinion polls, focus groups and market research

(PDF 45KB)

PM 38 Opinion polls / market research (Governor General) (PDF 42KB)
PM 39 Opinion polls / market research (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)

PM 40

Opinion polls / market research (Australian National Audit Office)

(PDF 46KB)

PM 41 Opinion polls / market research (Australian Public Service Commission) (PDF 15KB)

PM 42

Opinion polls / market research (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

(PDF 40KB)

PM 43

Opinion Polls/Market Research (IGIS)

(PDF 42KB)

PM 44

Campaign advertising

(PDF 52KB)

PM 45 Advertising campaigns (Governor General) (PDF 62KB)
PM 46 Advertising campaigns (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)

PM 47

Advertising campaigns (Australian National Audit Office)

(PDF 78KB)

PM 48 Advertising campaigns (Australian Public Service Commission) (PDF 30KB)

PM 49

Advertising campaigns (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

(PDF 68KB)

PM 50

Advertising campaigns (IGIS)

(PDF 44KB)

PM 51 Monitoring of water in departments and agencies (PM&C) (PDF 50KB)
PM 52 Monitoring of water in departments and agencies (Governor General) (PDF 68KB)
PM 53 Monitoring of water in departments and agencies (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)
PM 54 Use of water (Australian National Audit Office) (PDF 34KB)
PM 55 Monitoring of water in departments and agencies (Australian Public Service Commission) (PDF 14KB)

PM 56

Monitoring of water in departments and agencies (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

(PDF 39KB)

PM 57 Monitoring of water in departments and agencies (IGIS) (PDF 50KB)
PM 58 Cabinet consideration of expenditure proposals (PDF 34KB)

PM 59

Military spending in Iraq

(PDF 41KB)

PM 60 Alleged Australian Aid to Iraq 'falling into wrong hands' (PDF 51KB)

PM 61

Military spending in Afghanistan

(PDF 31KB)

PM 62 Iraq (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)
PM 63 Afghanistan (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)
PM 65 Papua New Guinea - Kokoda Track (PDF 106KB)
PM 66 Total costs for the visit by the Vice-President Dick Cheney to Australia (PDF 34KB)
PM 67 State Coach (PDF 82KB)

PM 68

Campaign advertising, projects, GCU staff and travel expenses

(PDF 158KB)

PM 69

APEC 2007 - taskforce travel costs

(PDF 151KB)

PM 70 Prime Minister's overseas visits (PDF 197KB)
PM 71 Costs incurred by former Governors-General (PDF 54KB)
(PDF 13KB)
PM 72 Costs to the tax payer of all state or official visits to Australia (PDF 368KB)

PM 73

Costs at the Prime Minister's official residences

(PDF 124KB)

PM 74 Water use at Kirribilli House (PDF 81KB)
PM 75 Water use at The Lodge (PDF 91KB)
PM 76 Cabinet implementation unit (PDF 44KB)

PM 77

Prime Minister's meetings

(PDF 30KB)

PM 78 Carbon emissions trading task group (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 54KB)
PM 79 Briefings on carbon emissions trading and climate change (PDF 82KB)

PM 80

Humanitarian resettlement IDC

(PDF 50KB)

PM 81

Ministerial Consultants - Mr Geoffrey Cousins

(PDF 37KB)

PM 82 National plan for water security (PDF 97KB)
PM 83 Uranium mining, processing and nuclear energy review taskforce (PDF 128KB)

PM 84

Department's contract listing

(PDF 41KB)

PM 85 Department's file title listings (PDF 48KB)
PM 86 Uranium mining, processing and nuclear energy review taskforce (PDF 102KB)
PM 87 Grants (PDF 184KB)
PM 88 Grants (Governor General) (PDF 34KB)
PM 89 Grants (Office of National Assessments) (PDF 230KB)

PM 90

Grants (Office of National Assessments)

(PDF 36KB)

PM 91 Grants (Australian Public Service Commission) (PDF 13KB)

PM 92

Grants allocated (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

(PDF 263KB)

PM 93

Grants (IGIS)

(PDF 34KB)

PM 94 Task Group on Emissions Trading (PDF 97KB)

Additional information and tabled documents

Correspondence from Malcolm Hazell relating to the Governor-General's role with Future Directions International. Dated 15 February 2007

(PDF 63KB)

Correspondence from Malcolm Hazell relating to the administrative process of the consideration of nominations by the Council for the Order of Australia. Dated 15 February 2007

(PDF 169KB)

Covering letter accompanying answer to questions on notice 5-7, 9-10, 13. Dated 5 March 2007

(PDF 39KB)

Covering letter accompanying answer to questions on notice. Dated 10 April 2007

(PDF 30KB)

Covering letter accompanying answer to questions on notice 11, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 81, 84. Dated 14 March 2007

(PDF 42KB)

Covering letter accompanying answer to questions on notice 35, 42, 49, 56. Dated 13 March 2007 (Commonwealth Ombudsman)

(PDF 67KB)

Covering letter accompanying answer to questions on notice 59, 61, 69, 73, 77. Dated 16 March 2007

(PDF 36KB)

Covering letter accompanying answer to PM 85 (PDF 44KB)
Covering letter accompanying answer to questions on notice 8, 87, 94. Dated 11 May 2007 (PDF 45KB)
Correspondence from Ms Jenny Goddard, Deputy Secretary, correcting evidence provided at the hearing, dated 17 July 2007 (PDF 67KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3534
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809