Appendix 1

Submissions and additional information

Submission       Submitter Number

  1. Department of Employment
  2. WEstjustice
  3. Professor Andrew Stewart
  4. Fair Work Ombudsman
  5. Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  6. Ai Group
  7. National Retail Association
  8. Australian Council of Trade Unions
  9. Franchise Council of Australia
  10. Housing Industry Association
  11. Asia-Pacific Centre for Franchising Excellence
  12. Australian Lottery and Newsagents Association
  13. Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
  14. National Farmers' Federation
  15. Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
  16. Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association
  17. Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
  18. South Australian Wine Industry Association
  19. International Franchise Association
  20. Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia
  21. BlueRock Partners
  22. Franchise Advisory Centre
  23. Australian Fleet Lessors Association
  24. Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
  25. The Salvation Army
  26. Dr Tess Hardy and Dr Joo-Cheong Tham
  27. JobWatch
  28. 7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd
  29. Anti-Slavery Australia
  30. Queensland Law Society
  31. Electrical Trades Union of Australia
  32. Independent Contractors Australia
  33. Confidential
  34. Australia Post
  35. Business Council of Australia
  36. Law Council of Australia
  37. Mr Kia Silverbrook
    Response to submission 37 by the Fair Work Ombudsman

Answers to questions taken on notice

  1. Answers to questions taken on notice by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry at a public hearing in Sydney, 13 April 2017; received 21 April 2017.
  2. Answers to question taken on notice by the Fair Work Ombudsman at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017; received 21 April 2017.
  3. Answers to questions taken on notice by WEstjustice at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017; received 26 April 2017.
  4. Answers to questions taken on notice by the Franchise Council of Australia at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017; received 27 April 2017.
  5. Answers to questions taken on notice by the Department of Employment at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017; received 1 May 2017.           
  6. Answers to questions taken on notice by the Council of Small Business Australia at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017; received 8 May 2017.

Tabled documents

  1. Document titled 'Responsibility beyond the employers (franchisees)' tabled by the Fair Work Ombudsman at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017.  
  2. Document titled 'Regulation of and compliance with industrial relations in franchises' tabled by the Fair Work Ombudsman at a public hearing in Canberra, 12 April 2017.       

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