5 September 2023
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This is the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee’s (committee) second report on annual reports for 2023.
Pursuant to Standing Order 25(20), the annual reports of departments and agencies within the education, employment and workplace relations portfolios are referred to the committee for examination, assessment, and report. In its Report on Annual reports (No.1 of 2023), tabled on 21 March 2023, the committee reported on annual reports that had been tabled by 31 October 2022.
Standing order 25(20)(f) requires the committee to report on annual reports tabled by 30 April each year by the tenth sitting day after 30 June of that year. Annual reports presented within this timeframe can be examined in the committee’s second report on annual reports for that year. No further relevant reports were presented to the Parliament and referred to the committee after 31 October 2022 and before 30 April 2023. As a result, the committee did not have any annual reports to review for the purposes of its Report on Annual reports (No. 2 of 2023).
Senator Tony Sheldon