Recommendation 1

3.57    The committee recommends that the government consider amending proposed paragraph 558A(2)(b) of the bill to clarify that the term 'affairs' be specifically associated with workplace relations matters.

Recommendation 2

3.59    The committee recommends that as part of the Migrant Worker Taskforce, the government consider whether any further reforms are necessary to address issues of exploitation and liability in the context of labour hire.

Recommendation 3

4.41    The committee recommends that the government consider amending the bill to ensure that its reach and intent, as articulated in the Explanatory Memorandum and second reading speech, is clarified.

4.42    The committee encourages the FWO to take an appropriately targeted and measured approach to oversighting the measures within the bill once passed.

Recommendation 4

5.47    Subject to the recommendations contained elsewhere in this report, the committee recommends that the Senate pass the bill.

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