(1) Technical and further education (TAFE) in Australia, including:
(a) the role played by TAFEs in:
(i) educational linkages with secondary and higher education,
(ii) the development of skills in the Australian economy,
(iii) the development of opportunities for Australians to improve themselves and increase their life, education and employment prospects, and
(iv) the delivery of services and programs to support regions, communities and disadvantaged individuals to access education, training and skills and, through them, a pathway to further education and employment;
(b) the effects of a competitive training market on TAFE;
(c) what public funding is adequate to ensure TAFEs remain in a strong and sustainable position to carry out their aims;
(d) what factors affect the affordability and accessibility of TAFE to students and business;
(e) different mechanisms used by state governments to allocate funding; and
(f) the application and effect of additional charges to TAFE students.
(2) That, in conducting its inquiry, the committee must:
(a) consider any public information provided to the 2013 House of Representatives inquiry by the Standing Committee on Education and Employment on the role of the technical and further education system and its operation; and
(b) hold public hearings in all capital cities, with a minimum of Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane, as well as a major regional centre in either New South Wales or Victoria.