Senate submissions

Please refer to the Inquiry home page for information on submissions received by the House of Representatives Education and Employment Committee’s 2013 inquiry on the role of the technical and further education system and its operation.

Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 198 items in 10 pages
Data pager
Data pager
Page size:
 198 items in 10 pages
1Mr Andrew Gammage (PDF 43 KB) 
2Mr Rupert Johns (PDF 45 KB) 
3Mr Chris Hayden (PDF 29 KB) 
4Name Withheld (PDF 12 KB) 
5Australian Federation of Graduate Women Inc. (PDF 122 KB) 
6Name Withheld (PDF 2262 KB) 
7Ms Keeley Morgan (PDF 57 KB) 
8Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council (PDF 601 KB) 
9Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 122 KB) 
10Mr Ivano Buoro (PDF 54 KB) 
11Mr Rod And (PDF 42 KB) 
12Dr Ruth Schubert (PDF 12 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 921 KB) 
13Ms CarolAnn Fletcher (PDF 50 KB) 
14Mr Matt Posetti (PDF 34 KB) 
15Ms Josephine Yates (PDF 30 KB) 
16Concerned Vocational Educators (PDF 492 KB) 
17Refugee Council of Australia (PDF 231 KB) 
18Ms Sue Feeney (PDF 198 KB) 
19Yarra Valley Educational Precinct Committee (PDF 194 KB) 
20Ms Sonya Bradford (PDF 6 KB) 

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About this inquiry

An inquiry into Technical and further education in Australia.

Past Public Hearings

02 May 2014: Wollongong
16 Apr 2014: Melbourne
15 Apr 2014: Melbourne


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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