Recommendation 1

2.18    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth work with its COAG partners on the National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform to ensure that all States and Territories provide clear statements of policy direction on the role of TAFE in consultation with vulnerable industries.  

Recommendation 2

3.8         The committee recommends the Commonwealth government work with its COAG partners to develop a partnership agreement establishing a minimum and adequate level of support for people with disabilities.

Recommendation 3

4.21    The committee recommends that resources and funding for the Australian Skills Qualification Authority be proportionally increased relative to the number of private providers entering the training market.

Recommendation 4

4.22    The Committee recommends the development of improved government standards for registration of training organisations, as the current regulatory environment provides no guarantee of quality for students.

Recommendation 5

4.32    The committee recommends that COAG work towards establishing a formula for use in contestable funding decisions that reflects the true costs of TAFE delivering those services, and establishing a 'managed market'.

Recommendation 6

4.33    The Committee recommends that COAG work collaboratively to develop a national workforce strategy for TAFE that addresses the level and quality of teaching qualifications in the sector, the unacceptably high rates of casual employment, and the allocation of adequate resources to enable TAFE teachers and institutions to develop and maintain close liaison with industry and local communities to assist them to meet their vocational and technical education needs.

Recommendation 7

4.48    In light of the substantial increases in fees across the board, the committee recommends that COAG investigate these fee increases.

Recommendation 8

4.49    Further the committee recommends that criteria for access to assistance programs for fees be examined to ensure that access to VET training is not inhibited by upfront cost considerations.

Recommendation 9

4.50    The committee recommends that the VET FEE-HELP Loan Fee of 20 per cent be reduced significantly in line with comparable financial industry products.

Recommendation 10

4.51    The Committee recommends full and immediate reinstatement of TAFE funding cuts by State Governments.

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