B. List of witnesses at public hearing

Friday, 25 February 2022
Committee Room 2R1
Law Council of Australia
Mr Lloyd Babb SC, Chair, National Security Law Working Group
Ms Christina Raymond, Senior Policy Lawyer, National Security and Criminal Law
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Th Hon Dr Christopher Jessup QC, Inspector-General
Ms Bronwyn Notzon-Glenn, Deputy Inspector-General
Mr Nathan Kensey, A/g Assistant Inspector-General
Department of Home Affairs
Mr Andrew Warnes, First Assistant Secretary, Electronic Surveillance Division
Mr Paul Pfitzner, Assistant Secretary, National Security Policy Branch, Electronic Surveillance Division
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
Ms Heather Cook, Deputy Director-General, Intelligence Service Delivery
Australian Signals Directorate
Ms Rachel Noble PSM, Director-General
Mr Ben Staughton, Deputy Director-General, Sigint and Network Operations
Office of National Intelligence
Ms Kathryn McMullan, First Assistant Director-General, Analytical Capabilities

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