Department of Infrastructure & Transport

Department of Infrastructure & Transport

Questions on notice index: (PDF 190KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice
Division/Agency View File Attachments
Corporate Services (CORP) (PDF 314KB)  
Infrastructure Australia (IA) (PDF 27KB)  
Nation Building—Infrastructure Investment (NBII) (PDF 94KB)  
Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) (PDF 35KB) QoN 92 attachment (PDF 123KB)
Surface Transport Policy (STP) (PDF 16KB)  
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) (PDF 10KB)  
Policy and Research (PAR) (PDF 7KB)  
Major Cities Unit (MCU) (PDF 16KB)  
Office of Transport Security (OTS) (PDF 37KB)  
Aviation and Airports (AAA) (PDF 45KB)  
Airservices Australia (AA) (PDF 20KB)  
Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) (PDF 49KB)  
Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) (PDF 22KB) QoN 129 attachment (PDF 693KB)

Tabled Documents View File
1. Answers to a question taken on notice during the 18 October 2011 hearing, in relation to rental properties, Mr Mike Mrdak, 18/10/2011 (PDF 1052KB)

Additional Information and Hansard corrections

View File

1. Received 8 November 2011, from Mr John McCormick, Director of Aviation Safety, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), clarifying evidence given by CASA officers on 18 October 2011 (PDF 378KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511
Fax: +61 2 6277 5811