Membership of the committee

Membership of the committee


Senator Glenn Sterle, Chair  Western Australia, ALP
Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan, Deputy Chair    New South Wales, LP
Senator Joe Bullock (from 26 June 2014) Western Australia, ALP
Senator Alex Gallacher (to 26 June 2014) South Australia, ALP 
Senator Sue Lines      Western Australia, ALP
Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (to 26 June 2014) Queensland, LP
Senator John Williams (from 26 June 2014)  New South Wales, NATS
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson   Tasmania, AG

Other Senators participating in this inquiry

Senator Nick Xenophon, South Australia, IND


Mr Tim Watling, Secretary
Dr Jane Thomson, Principal Research Officer
Ms Erin East, Principal Research Officer (from 27 October 2014)
Ms Trish Carling, Senior Research Officer
Ms Kate Campbell, Research Officer (from 13 October 2014)
Mr Jarrod Jolly, Research Officer (to 5 September 2014)
Ms Lauren Carnevale, Administrative Officer

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3511
Fax: 02 6277 5811

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