List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.59    The committee recommends that public transport infrastructure should be considered as nationally-significant infrastructure, alongside private transport infrastructure such as road construction.

Recommendation 2

2.60    The committee recommends that wider economic costs and benefits, including social and economic connectivity, environmental factors, active lifestyle benefits, safety factors and avoided costs and benefits be factored into transport project analysis.

Recommendation 3

3.70    The committee recommends that, given the productivity cost of capital city congestion, all levels of government interested in increasing national productivity consider backing solutions to congestion, including public transport.

Recommendation 4

3.71    The committee recommends that when addressing congestion and other transport problems, a range of reasonable solutions be examined, including the publication of cost-benefit analysis, before decisions on funding are made by government.

Recommendation 5

3.72    The committee recommends that smaller cost projects, especially so-called smart projects involving the more efficient use of existing infrastructure, or the more effective integration of routes and modes, be prioritised according to the positive benefits they produce.

Recommendation 6

3.73    The committee recommends that the Australian Government fund transport – including road and rail projects – on a mode-neutral basis, based on assessed merit.

Recommendation 7

3.74    The committee recommends that the Australian Government take a leadership role on urban policy, working with the states and territories, given the strong link between transport and urban planning.

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