Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into Carbon Tax Pricing Mechanisms

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Mr Grant Dinse (PDF 158KB) 
1a Supplementary Submission(PDF 202KB) 
2Professor John Freebairn (PDF 46KB) 
3National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (PDF 218KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1501KB) 
4Business Council of Australia (PDF 105KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1070KB) Attachment 2(PDF 79KB) 
5ACTU (PDF 214KB) 
6Australian Financial Markets Association (PDF 61KB) 
7Energy Retailers Association of Australia (PDF 428KB) 
8Young Liberal Movement of Australia (PDF 44KB) 
9Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (PDF 1581KB) 
9a Supplementary Submission(PDF 69KB) 
10Hydro Tasmania (PDF 1184KB) 
11TRUenergy (PDF 302KB) 
12Australian Bankers' Association Inc (ABA) (PDF 109KB) 
13National Farmers' Federation (PDF 172KB) 
14Centre for Policy Development  (PDF 453KB) 
15Mr John Passant, Faculty of Law University of Canberra (PDF 614KB) 
16The Australia Institute (PDF 175KB) 
17Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 638KB) 
18Dr Jack Pezzey, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University (PDF 61KB) 
19AGL Energy Ltd (PDF 534KB) 
20Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC) (PDF 245KB) 
20a Supplementary Submission(PDF 731KB) 
21Sustainable Energy Association of Australia (PDF 371KB) 
22Dr Frank Jotzo (PDF 124KB) 
23Clean Energy Council (PDF 128KB) 
25Professor Warwick McKibbin, ANU College of Business and Economics (PDF 112KB) 
25a Supplementary Submission(PDF 4048KB) 
26Grattan Institute (PDF 31KB) Attachment 1(PDF 363KB) Attachment 2(PDF 1041KB) Attachment 3(PDF 218KB) Attachment 4(PDF 29KB) Attachment 5(PDF 294KB) 
26a Supplementary Submission(PDF 27KB) 
27Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (PDF 74KB) 
28Frontier Economics Pty. Ltd. (PDF 766KB) 
29Australian Council of Social Service (PDF 34KB) 
30Prof Ross Garnaut (PDF 4KB) 
31Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Ltd (APPEA) (PDF 977KB) 
31a Supplementary Submission(PDF 638KB) 
32The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (PDF 306KB) 
33Cement Industry Federation (PDF 233KB) 
34Mr Andrew Oliver (PDF 20KB) 
35The Fair Farming Group (PDF 1283KB) 
36Mr Donald Martin (PDF 22KB) Attachment 1(PDF 456KB) 
37Exigency Management Pty Ltd (PDF 150KB) 
37a Supplementary Submission(PDF 76KB) 
38Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (PDF 5656KB) 
39No Carbon Tax Protest Group (PDF 168KB) 
40LPG Australia (PDF 365KB) 
41Commonwealth Fisheries Association (PDF 216KB) 
42The Climate Sceptics (PDF 153KB) 
43People for Ecologically Sustainable Transport (PDF 1363KB) 
44Griffin Energy (PDF 39KB) 
45Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia (PDF 890KB) 
46Oxfam Australia (PDF 148KB) 
47Jubilee Australia (PDF 161KB) 
47a Supplementary Submission(PDF 82KB) 
48Mr Jeff Lin (PDF 559KB) 
49Dairy Australia (PDF 66KB) 
50Pacific Hydro (PDF 133KB) 
51The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (PDF 258KB) 
52Qantas Airways (PDF 210KB) 
53Dr Jane O'Sullivan, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland  (PDF 210KB) 
54Frontier Economics (PDF 238KB) 
54a Supplementary Submission(PDF 267KB) 
55Dr Frank Jotzo (PDF 275KB) 
56Mr Robert Vincin (PDF 94KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 100KB) 
57Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 532KB) 
57a Supplementary Submission(PDF 301KB) 
57b Supplementary Submission(PDF 793KB) 
58AGL Energy Limited (PDF 84KB) Attachment 1(PDF 138KB) Attachment 2(PDF 72KB) Attachment 3(PDF 681KB) 
59Printing Industries Association of Australia (PDF 296KB) 
60Energy Supply Association of Australia (PDF 75KB) 
60a Supplementary Submission(PDF 139KB) 
61Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia Inc (DSICA) (PDF 110KB) 
62Betts Transport Pty Limited (PDF 29KB) 
63Bindaree Beef (PDF 140KB) 
64Aerial Agricultural Association of Australia (PDF 222KB) 
65Regional Express (PDF 1226KB) 
66CQ Rescue (PDF 134KB) Attachment 1(PDF 47KB) 
67Mr Matt Mushalik (PDF 605KB) 
68The Fair Farming Group (PDF 233KB) 
69Superair Australia (PDF 147KB) 
70Boulder Steel Limited (PDF 140KB) 
71Pursue Democracy (PDF 21KB) 
72Mackay Canegrowers Limited (PDF 606KB) 
73Mr John Passant, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Canberra (PDF 117KB) 
74The Climate Sceptics (PDF 195KB) 
75Transport Workers Union (TWU) (PDF 70KB) Attachment 1(PDF 5794KB) 
76Regional Aviation Association of Australia Ltd (RAAA) (PDF 742KB) 
77Business SA (PDF 186KB) 
78Post Office Agents Association Limited (POAAL) (PDF 143KB) 
79Printing Industries Association of Australia (PDF 171KB) 
80No to Carbon Tax (PDF 473KB) 
81NSW Treasury (PDF 373KB) 
82Professor John Quiggin (PDF 115KB) 
83Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) (PDF 235KB) 
84National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (PDF 50KB) Attachment 1(PDF 261KB) 
85Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) (PDF 54KB) 
86Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF 229KB) 
87Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) (PDF 1010KB) 
88The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) (PDF 869KB) Attachment 1(PDF 414KB) Attachment 2(PDF 829KB) 
89Commonwealth Fisheries Association (PDF 154KB) 
90Queensland Nickel (PDF 1534KB) 
91National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia (NARGA) (PDF 699KB) Attachment 1(PDF 4207KB) 
93Mr Andrew Donnelly (PDF 492KB) 
94Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC) (PDF 238KB) 
95Refrigerants Australia (PDF 559KB) 
96Geelong Chamber of Commerce (PDF 234KB) 
97Master Builders Australia (PDF 247KB) 
98Loy Yang Power (PDF 33KB) 
99Moe and District Residents Association (MADRA) (PDF 139KB) Attachment 1(PDF 477KB) Attachment 2(PDF 17KB) 
100Name Withheld (PDF 19KB) 
101Council of Mayors, (South East Queensland) (PDF 116KB) 
102Dr David Evans (PDF 971KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Presentation notes "Western Australia's Emerging Magnetite Iron Ore Industry" tabled by Mr Simon Corrigan of CITIC Pacific Mining (a Magnetite Network member), at a public hearing in Perth on 29 April 2011(PDF 881KB) 
2Projections of the impact of a carbon price (4 graphs), tabled by Mr Miles Prosser, Executive Director of the Australian Aluminium Council, at a public hearing in Canberra on 17 May 2011(PDF 169KB) 
320-page report titled "Coverage of coal mining fugitive emissions in climate policies of major coal exporting countries" dated June 2011, prepared for the Australian Coal Association by the Centre for International Economics, tabled by Mr Ralph Hillman, Executive Director of the Australian Coal Association at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011(PDF 487KB) 
429-page report titled "Economic Assessment of CPRS' Treatment of Coal Mining: EITE Activity Policy and the Coal Mining Sector" dated 7 May 2009, prepared for the Australian Coal Association by ACIL Tasman Pty Ltd, tabled by Mr Ralph Hillman, Executive Director of the Australian Coal Association at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011(PDF 490KB) 
55-page opening statement tabled by Mr Ralph Hillman, Executive Director of the Australian Coal Association at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011(PDF 137KB) 
6List and table of the "Top 50 emitters in Australia - those eligible for assistance or compensation", tabled by Mr Russell Skelton, Chief Executive Officer of Macquarie Generation, at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 June 2011(PDF 268KB) 
7Index to the ten documents which were tabled by Mr Tony Sheldon, National President of the Transport Workers Union (TWU), at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 June 2011(PDF 240KB) 
8TWU tabled document 1: "Safe Rates, Safe Roads", a Directions paper of the Federal Government's Safe Rates Advisory Group, November 2010, 55 pages(PDF 422KB) 
9TWU tabled document 2: "External influences on health and safety outcomes in NSW long distance trucking", Transport Workers Union and Professor Ann Williamson and Ms Rena Friswell, August 2010, 47 pages(PDF 1667KB) 
10TWU tabled document 3: "Report of Analysis: Truck Crashes and Work-Related Factors Associated with Drivers and Motor Carriers", Michael Belzer PhD, April 2009, 219 pages(PDF 777KB) 
11TWU tabled document 3 (appendix 2), tabled by the Transport Workers Union at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 June 2011(PDF 6052KB) 
12TWU tabled document 4: "Fatigue, Overtaking Top Issues for Drivers: TWU/NRMA Survey", TWU and NRMA News Release, 27 June 2011, 2 pages(PDF 284KB) 
13TWU tabled document 5: "Safe Payments: Addressing the Underlying Causes of Unsafe Practices in the Road Transport Industry", National Transport Commission Report, The Hon Lance Wright QC and Professor Michael Quinlan, October 2008, 62 pages(PDF 351KB) 
14TWU tabled document 6: "Remuneration and Safety in the Australian Heavy Vehicle Industry: A Review undertaken for the National Transport Commission", Professor Michael Quinlan and The Hon Lance Wright QC, October 2008, 78 pages(PDF 420KB) 
15TWU tabled document 7: "Workforce Challenges in the Transport Industry", a Senate Inquiry Report by the Standing Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations and Education, August 2007, 103 pages(PDF 1203KB) 
16TWU tabled document 8: "Temporary visas... permanent benefits", a Parliamentary Report by the Joint Standing Committee on Migration, August 2007, 182 pages(PDF 2309KB) 
17TWU tabled document 9: " Toward a Safe and Sustainable Transport Industry", TWU submission to the Safe Payments Inquiry, National Transport Commission, September 2008, 262 pages(PDF 9567KB) 
18TWU tabled document 10: "Workforce Challenges in Road Transport: Truck Driver Recruitment, Retention and Retirement Research Project (Stage One)", Globe Workplace, January 2007, 58 pages(PDF 2365KB) 
19Additional information received: 16-page report titled "Impact of Proposed Carbon Price on Black Coal Mining: Analysis of existing coal mines and potential coal developments based on survey data" dated 10 June 2011, prepared for the Australian Coal Association by ACIL Tasman Pty Ltd, received on 23 June 2011(PDF 658KB) 
205-page opening statement tabled by Mr Trefor Flood, General Manager of Queensland Nickel at a public hearing in Mackay on 5 August 2011(PDF 252KB) 
21Powerpoint presentation supplementing the opening statement, tabled by Mr Trefor Flood, General Manager of Queensland Nickel at a public hearing in Mackay on 5 August 2011(PDF 590KB) 
22Submission by Queensland Nickel to the Emissions-Intensive Trade-Exposed (EITE) Expert Advisory Committee, dated 12 April 2011, tabled by Mr Trefor Flood, General Manager of Queensland Nickel at a public hearing in Mackay on 5 August 2011(PDF 1734KB) 
23RACQ CQ Rescue Bulletin (July 2011) tabled by Dr Peter Bastable, Chair of CQ Rescue, at a public hearing in Mackay on 5 August 2011(PDF 449KB) 
24RACQ CQ Rescue 2010 Annual Community Report tabled by Dr Peter Bastable, Chair of CQ Rescue, at a public hearing in Mackay on 5 August 2011(PDF 1693KB) 
2518 March 2011 note by the UNFCCC secretariat titled "Compilation of information on nationally appropriate mitigation actions to be implemented by parties not included in Annex I to the Convention", tabled by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011(PDF 2321KB) 
267 June 2011 revised note by the UNFCCC secretariat titled "Compilation of economy-wide emission reduction targets to be implemented by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention", tabled by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011(PDF 332KB) 
27DCCEE information sheet "International Pledges on Climate Change Action: The Future", tabled by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011(PDF 438KB) 
28Clarification to evidence given at the public hearing on 10 August 2011, by Mr Blair Comley, Secretary of the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, provided on 11 August 2011(PDF 32KB) 
29DCCEE information sheet "500 Biggest Polluting Companies", provided as a supplement to the clarification to evidence given at the public hearing on 10 August 2011, by Mr Blair Comley, Secretary of the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, provided on 11 August 2011(PDF 729KB) 
30Presentation notes supplementing the appearance of Professor John Quiggin at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011, provided on 15 August 2011(PDF 70KB) 
31Webpage titled "What others are doing: China" taken from the Australian Government's 'Clean Energy Future' website on 10 August 2011, tabled by Senator Boswell at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011(PDF 141KB) 
3211-page opening statement, tabled by Mr Nick Barlow, Head of Resource Development and Operational Excellence at Anglo American Metallurgical Coal at a public hearing in Geelong on 1 September 2011(PDF 72KB) 
334-page opening statement tabled by Mr Ken Thompson, Executive General Manager of Loy Yang Marketing Company at a public hearing in Canberra on 16 September 2011(PDF 729KB) 
34Letter to the Committee dated 5 September 2011, from the Hon. Wayne Swan MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, received on 13 September 2011(PDF 78KB) 
35Letter to the Committee dated 30 September 2011, from Dr David Gruen, Executive Director of the Macroeconomic Group – Domestic, Department of the Treasury, received on 4 October 2011(PDF 167KB) 
36Additional Information Received: Letter to the Committee dated 14 October 2011, from Dr David Gruen, Executive Director of the Macroeconomic Group – Domestic, Department of the Treasury, received on 14 October 2011(PDF 68KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answer from the Australian Financial Markets Association to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 17 May 2011 - AFMA membership list(PDF 85KB) 
2Answer from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 17 May 2011 - ICAA's 2011 CFO survey(PDF 695KB) 
3Answer from the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 29 April 2011, received on 30 May 2011(PDF 404KB) 
4Answer from Verve Energy to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 29 April 2011, received on 27 May 2011(PDF 310KB) 
5Answer from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011, received on 16 June 2011(PDF 130KB) 
6Answer from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011, received on 16 June 2011(PDF 50KB) 
7Answer from the Cement Industry Federation to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Melbourne on 8 June 2011, received on 21 June 2011(PDF 103KB) 
8Answer from the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Limited (APPEA) to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011, received on 17 June 2011(PDF 305KB) 
9Answer from the Energy Supply Association of Australia to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Melbourne on 8 June 2011, received on 15 July 2011(PDF 119KB) 
10Answer from AGL Energy Ltd to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 July 2011, received on 11 August 2011(PDF 211KB) 
11Answer from Regional Express to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 July 2011, received on 18 August 2011(PDF 52KB) 
12Answer from the Department of the Treasury to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 24 March 2011, received on 19 August 2011(PDF 55KB) 
13Answer from Bindaree Beef Pty Ltd to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Tamworth on 3 August 2011, received on 19 August 2011(PDF 51KB) 
14Answer from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011, received on 19 August 2011(PDF 405KB) 
15Answer from the Tamworth Business Chamber to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Tamworth on 3 August 2011, received on 22 August 2011(PDF 95KB) 
16Answer from the Climate Institute to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011, received on 22 August 2011(PDF 641KB) 
17Answer from the Department of the Treasury to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 9 June 2011, received on 29 August 2011(PDF 47KB) 
18Answer from the Department of the Treasury to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 10 August 2011, received between 29 August 2011 and 26 September 2011(PDF 145KB) 
19Answer from Macquarie Generation to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 July 2011, received on 26 August 2011, including the June 2009 report "Structural Adjustment and the CPRS" by Frontier Economics(PDF 904KB) 
20Answer from Macquarie Generation to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Sydney on 22 July 2011, received on 26 August 2011(PDF 31KB) 
21Answer from Alcoa of Australia to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 29 April 2011, received on 12 September 2011(PDF 76KB) 
22Answer from Anglo American Metallurgical Coal to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Geelong on 1 September 2011, received on 13 September 2011(PDF 23KB) 
23Answer from Tamworth Regional Council to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Tamworth on 3 August 2011, received on 13 September 2011(PDF 13KB) 
24Confidential(PDF 16KB) 
25Answer from Geelong Galvanizing to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Geelong on 1 September 2011, received on 16 September 2011(PDF 14KB) 
26Answer from the Queensland Farmers' Federation to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Brisbane on 25 July 2011, received on 16 September 2011(PDF 10KB) 
27Answer from Frontier Economics to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Geelong on 1 September 2011, received on 16 September 2011(PDF 195KB) 
28Answer from the Victorian Farmers' Federation to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Geelong on 1 September 2011, received on 23 September 2011(PDF 897KB) 
29Answer from Loy Yang Power to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 16 September 2011(PDF 81KB) 
30Answer from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 16 September 2011, received between 26 September 2011 and 29 September 2011(PDF 686KB) 
31Answer from Queensland Nickel to a Question on Notice taken at a public hearing in Mackay on 5 August 2011, received on 28 September 2011(PDF 13KB) 
32Answer from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia to Questions on Notice taken at a public hearing in Perth on 29 April 2011, received on 28 September 2011(PDF 1271KB) 
33Answer from the Department of the Treasury to Questions on Notice (questions 1, 3, 4 and 5) taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 23 September 2011, received on 4 October 2011(PDF 27KB) 
34Answer from the Department of the Treasury to a Question on Notice (question 2) taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 23 September 2011, received on 13 October 2011(PDF 9KB) 
35Answer from the Department of the Treasury to a Question on Notice (question 6) taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 23 September 2011, received on 19 October 2011(PDF 17KB) 
36Revised answer from the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to a Question on Notice (question 7) taken at a public hearing in Canberra on 16 September 2011, received on 24 October 2011(PDF 65KB) 

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