Public Hearing

Friday 4 March 2016

House of Representatives 2R1

Parliament House, Canberra

Committee Members in attendance: Senators McKenzie, Lines, Hanson-Young, Xenophon


AGNEW, Mr Dave, Branch Manager, Child Care Payments Policy, Department of Education and Training

ATKINSON, Ms Geraldine, Deputy Chairperson, Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care

BRISKEY, Ms Jo, Executive Director, The Parenthood

IRVINE, Associate Professor Susan, Early Childhood Australia

MITCHELL, Ms Gillian Mitchell, Group Manager, Early Childhood Strategy, Department of Education and Training

PALMER, Mr Bryan, Group Manager, Early Childhood Initiatives, Department of Education and Training

PAGE, Ms Sam, Chief Executive Officer, Early Childhood Australia

PEARCE, Ms Margaret, Group Manager, Early Childhood Care Support, Department of Education and Training

PHILLIPS, Associate Professor Ben, Early Childhood Australia

SUOMINEN, Dr Hanna, Parent Member, The Parenthood

SYDENHAM, Ms Emma, Deputy CEO, Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care

WILLING, Mr Jeff, Branch Manager, Legislation Reform, Department of Education and Training

WILSON, Ms Jackie, Deputy Secretary, Early Childhood and Child Care, Department of Education and Training

WOODWARD, Miss Katie, Parent Member, The Parenthood

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