1.1       The Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Measures) Bill (No. 2) 2014 seeks to freeze the Child Care Benefit income thresholds for three years. The Australian Greens, as previously outlined in the inquiry into the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Measures) Bill 2014, oppose the measure proposed in this Bill. Evidence provided to the committee made it clear that this budget measure will make it difficult for Australian families to access quality early childhood education and care and will significantly increase families out of pocket costs.

1.2       The majority of submissions provided to the committee were not supportive of the government's proposed changes and concluded that the Bill should not proceed.

1.3       Over half a million Australian families will be affected by the government’s regressive budget measure. Rather than injecting the much needed funding into the early childhood education and care sector this government has decided to rip millions of dollars from the pockets of struggling families. This move undermines the government’s own Productivity Commission inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning and is indicative of the government’s approach to early education and care.

1.4       The Australian Greens reject the conclusions made in the majority report and recommend that this Bill be rejected by the Senate. This Bill will have a significant impact on families who are already struggling to meet the rising cost of childcare.

Recommendation 1

1.5       The Australian Greens recommend the Senate reject the bill.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

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