Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationship with the United Kingdom

October 2017

© Commonwealth of Australia 2017
ISBN: 978-1-74366-710-1

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Terms of Reference


  Trade Sub-Committee

1. Introduction

  Conduct of the inquiry
  Geographical scope of the inquiry
  Overview of the inquiry
  Interim report

2. Overview of Australia's trade with the United Kingdom

  Trade policy and trade agreements
  Trade in services
  Legal services
  Healthcare services
  Tourism and permanent migration
  Air freight between Australia and the UK
  Education and research services
  Chapter summary

3. Building two-way trade and investment

  The Australia-UK Trade Working Group
  Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement
  Agricultural commodities
  Logistics and global supply chains
  Pharmaceutical industry
  Australia as a gateway to Asia for the services sector
  Services exports
  Financial and business services
  Healthcare services
  Education and research services
  Chapter summary

4. Possible implications of 'Brexit' for Australia's trade with the UK and the European Union

  Committee comment
   ‘Brexit’ state of play
  Impact of ‘Brexit’ on Ireland
  Timing of proposed FTA negotiations with the EU and UK
  Australia’s trade and investment relationship with the EU
  Impact of ‘Brexit’ on Australia’s trade with the UK and EU
  Importance of the UK as a global trading and financial hub
  Agricultural trade with the UK
  Market access for minerals and energy
  Regulation of dental products and medical devices
  Education and research services
  Legal services
  Immigration and visas for the UK
  Chapter summary

5. Barriers and impediments to trade and investment with the UK

  Statistical data on trade between Australia and the UK
  Agricultural commodities
  Passenger motor vehicles
  Minerals and energy
  Health services
  Tourism, skilled migration and working holiday makers
  Education and research services
  Banking and financial services
  Chapter summary

6. The role of government in assisting Australian exporters

  Trade policy and the Australia-UK FTA
  Purpose of Australia-UK Trade Working Group
  Australia-UK advisory committee
  Open air service agreements
  Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
  Free trade agreements
  Austrade’s role in trade, investment and tourism
  Tourism Australia
  Australian Grape & Wine Authority
  State and territory governments
  Pharmaceutical industry
  Education, science and research collaboration
  Indexation of UK pensions for Australian residents
  Chapter summary

A. Submissions

B. Exhibits

C. Public hearings

D. Answers to Questions on Notice

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2313

About this inquiry

This inquiry lapsed when the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ceased to exist at the dissolution of the House of Representatives on Thursday 11 April 2019.

Past Public Hearings

06 Sep 2017:
16 Aug 2017:
09 Aug 2017:
