Inquiry into the Department of Defence Annual Report 2023-24

On Wednesday, 27 November 2024, under its resolution of appointment, the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade resolved to have the Defence Subcommittee conduct an inquiry into the Department of Defence Annual Report 2023-24.

Key themes of the inquiry’s focus include:

  • Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities
  • Defence Estate, Security and Resilience
  • Uncrewed/Autonomous Systems, AI and their integration into the Joint Force
  • Progress on the transformation to an integrated focused force
  • Australian international defence cooperation and competition
  • Other issues as communicated to Defence.

Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities. A robust, reliable and effective sovereign defence industry is essential for the defence of Australia and its national interests. 2024 saw the release of the National Defence Strategy and Defence Industry Development Strategy.  This inquiry will critically examine Defence’s progress to achieving continuous naval ship-building; enhanced self-reliance and resilience of guided weapons and explosive ordnance, fuel supply assurance and innovation, research and advanced capability acceleration.

Defence Estate, Security and Resilience. Defence estate is a key enabler; our facilities must be both secure and resilient during times of competition and conflict. Force protection, including from asymmetric threats are essential to defend our critical capabilities and infrastructure to ensure these remain effective when they are most needed. This inquiry will review defence’s infrastructure with a focus on survivability and effectiveness.

AUKUS. The AUKUS tri-lateral security partnership forms a foundation for Australia’s security. Noting the scale of Australia’s commitment the committee will review progress of acquiring nuclear-powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy, along with Pillar Two initiatives including enhanced joint capabilities and interoperability, focusing on cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, hypersonics and advanced undersea capabilities.

Uncrewed and Autonomous Systems, AI and their integration into the Joint Force. Defence is accelerating near-term investments in uncrewed and autonomous systems. This inquiry will examine the integration of such systems into the Joint Force and review the progress, policy, legislative regulatory mechanisms and use of Artificial Intelligence, for Defence to test, exercise and employ uncrewed and autonomous systems.

Progress on the transformation to an integrated focused force. The committee will review the progression of Defence transforming into an integrated, focused force designed to address the most significant strategic risks. The committee will inquire as to if Defence is appropriately prioritised and resourced to deny any potential adversary’s attempt to project power against Australia through our northern approaches; protect Australia’s economic connection to our region and the world; contribute with our partners to the collective security of the Indo-Pacific; and contribute with our partners to the maintenance of the global rules-based order.

Australian international defence cooperation and competition. The committee will also review the Australia’s international defence cooperation, assistance and responses within our region and to global contingencies.

Noting this inquiry is into an annual report, potentially all areas referenced in the Department of Defence Annual Report 2023–24 can be considered; however, the Subcommittee strongly encourages written submissions on the focus areas listed above.

The Committee has approved an extension of submissions to the inquiry until Monday, 17 February 2025.



Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2313

About this inquiry

The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade is conducting an inquiry into the Department of Defence Annual Report 2023–24.

Track Inquiry

Past Public Hearings

18 Feb 2025: CANBERRA


Inquiry Status

Accepting Submissions


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