The Committee will inquire into and report on the role of current and potential development partnerships in the food and agriculture sector with a range of stakeholders— including from business, civil society, the research and academic community, industry bodies and governments—in promoting prosperity, reducing poverty, and enhancing stability in the Indo-Pacific region. The inquiry will take into account the results of previous related inquiries, and will have particular regard to:
The particular roles of agricultural innovation in supporting agricultural development and inclusive economic growth;
Actions and approaches to agricultural development in the region that would promote gender equity, women's economic empowerment and health;
The current and potential role of the private sector, including small developing-country entrepreneurs and larger Australian and international businesses, in driving inclusive and sustainable development in Indo-Pacific agriculture and food value chains;
Innovative modalities and practices that would enhance the contribution of all relevant stakeholders in supporting agricultural development, better nutrition and inclusive economic growth in the Indo-Pacific region.