Submissions received by the committee

Submissions received by the committee

Sub No.  

The Corporate Research Group (PDF 127KB)

2 Dr Gianni Zappal, University of Sydney (PDF 532KB)
3 The Buoyancy Foundation of Victoria (PDF 531KB)
4 Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic (PDF 294KB)
5 Mr Richard Turner (PDF 691KB)
6 Mr Robert C Hinkley (PDF 47KB)
7 Mr Michael Kerr (PDF 2293KB)
8 Professor Brian Ellis (PDF 403KB)
9 Brotherhood of St Laurence (PDF 138KB)
     Attachment (PDF 50KB)
10 Australian Council of Trade Unions (PDF 221KB)    
11 Professor Geoffrey George (PDF 143KB)
12 Compact Consulting (PDF 71KB)
13 BHP Billiton (PDF 549KB)
14 Professor Bryan Horrigan (PDF 56KB)
15 Coles Myer Ltd (PDF 125KB)
16 Shann Turnbull PhD, Principal, International Institute for Self-governance (PDF 94KB)
16A Shann Turnbull PhD,Principal, International Institute for Self-governance (PDF 128KB)
17 Xstrata Copper (PDF 130KB)
18 Professor Boris Kabanoff (PDF 164KB)
19 BT Governance Advisory Service (PDF 78KB)   
20 Australian Human Rights Centre (PDF 236KB)
21 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 586KB)
     Attachment (PDF 203KB)
21a Letter from Transurban (PDF 86KB)
21b Response from ACF to Transurban letter (PDF 339KB)
21c Letter from Transurban (PDF 101KB)
22 Ms Therese Wilson (PDF 111KB)
23 Philanthropy Australia (PDF 342KB)
24 The Finance Sector Union of Australia (PDF 125KB)
25 The Smith Family (PDF 321KB)
26 Ms Eva Cox (PDF 64KB)
27 G100 (PDF 32KB)
     Attachment (PDF 27KB)
28 Chartered Secretaries Australia Limited (PDF 262KB)
29 Insurance Australia Group (PDF 248KB)
29a Insurance Australia Group (PDF 76KB)
     Attachment a (PDF 1811KB)
     Attachment b (PDF 305KB)
30 AMPCI Sustainable Funds (PDF 155KB)
31 *See separate entry on corporate responsibility submissions at the end of submissions list, below
32 Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (PDF 1183KB)
33 The Commercial Law Association of Australia Limited (PDF 306KB)
33a The Commercial Law Association of Australia Limited (PDF 357KB)
34 Mr Ray Bricknall (PDF 21KB)
35 Mr John August (PDF 139KB)
36 Volunteering Australia (PDF 52KB)
37 Melkonian & Company, Consulting Solicitors (PDF 199KB)
38 Freehills (PDF 461KB)
39 Dr Anthony Forsyth, Monash University (PDF 456KB)
40 Mission Australia (PDF 44KB)
41 Positive Outcomes (PDF 91KB)
42 The Body Shop (PDF 77KB)
43 Greenpeace (PDF 181KB)
44 Social Response Index (PDF 105KB)
45 Oxfam Australia (PDF 149KB)
46 Ms Lucinda Wilson (PDF 237KB)
47 National Farmers' Federation (PDF 125KB)
48 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices (PDF 229KB)
49 GlaxoSmithKline (PDF 113KB)
     Attachment (PDF 27KB)
50 St James Ethics Centre (PDF 61KB)
     Attachment  (PDF 72KB)
51 ECOS Corporation Pty Limited (PDF 331KB)
53 KPMG (PDF 153KB)
     Attachment  (PDF 675KB)
54 Human Rights Council of Australia (PDF 89KB)
55 Mrs Janice Tendys (PDF 21KB)
56 Total Environment Centre and Green Capital Program (PDF 57KB)
57 Mannkal Economic Education Foundation (PDF 54KB)
57a Mannkal Economic Education Foundation (PDF 33KB)
58 Australian Securities &  Investments Commission (PDF 32KB)
59 Australian Institute of Social & Ethical Accountability Inc (PDF 111KB)
60 Hon Doug Everingham (PDF 32KB)
62 Mr James Hazelton, Macquarie University (PDF 247KB)
63 Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (PDF 123KB)
     Attachment a (PDF 259KB)
     Attachment b (PDF 511KB)
     Attachment c (PDF 145KB)
     Attachment d (PDF 144KBt)
     Attachment e (PDF 420KB)
     Attachment f (PDF 169KB)
64 Law Student Community Support (PDF 1204KB)
65 NSW Young Lawyers (PDF 200KB)
66 Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc (PDF 278KB)
67 Mr Tom Bostock (PDF 81KB)
68 Unilever Australasia (PDF 66KB)
69 Ms Elizabeth Klein and Professor Jean J du Plessis (PDF 463KB)
70 ACOSS (PDF 205KB)
71 Hon Dr Ken Coghill, Dr Leeora Black, Mr Dough Holmes (Monash University) (PDF 618KB)
72 National Institute of Accountants (PDF 27KB)
73 Australian Institute of Company Directors (PDF 156KB)
74 The Shell Company of Australia Limited (PDF 154KB)
75 Employment Studies Centre, University of Newcastle (PDF 127KB)
76 Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd (PDF 541KB)
77 Credit Union Services Corporation  (Australia) Limited (PDF 234KB)
78 ALCOA World Alumina Australia (PDF 386KB)
     Attachment (PDF 79KB)
79 Gippsland Community Legal Service (PDF 70KB)
80 Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice & Governance, Griffith University (PDF 182KB)
81 Telstra Corporation Limited (PDF 155KB)
82 Beerworth & Partners Limited (PDF 112KB)
83 National Pro Bono Resource Centre (PDF 84KB)
84 Professor Paul Redmond, UNSW (PDF 249KB)
84a Professor Paul Redmond, UNSW (PDF 278KB)
85 Boral Limited (PDF 65KB)
86 RepuTex Ratings & Research Services (PDF 1483KB)
87 Mr Ben Neville, University of Melbourne (PDF 117KB)
88 Dr Robert Gale, UNSW (PDF 30KB)
89 Consumers' Federation of Australia (PDF 88KB)
90 Amnesty International Australia (PDF 155KB)
90a Amnesty International Australia (PDF 50KB)
91 Mr Ian McGregor, University of Technology (PDF 101KB)
92 Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (PDF 266KB)
93 Corporate ResponsAbility (PDF 92KB)
94 Westpac Banking Corporation (PDF 196KB)
94a Westpac Banking Corporation (PDF 13KB)
95 Mr Larry Noye (PDF 579KB)
96 Professor Craig Deegan, RMIT University (PDF 138KB)
97 Australasian Investor Relations Association (PDF 148KB)
98 Mr Nick Pastalatzis (PDF 227KB)
99 Mallesons Stephen Jaques (PDF 222KB)
100 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (PDF 72KB)
101 ANZ (PDF 191KB)
102 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 67KB)
103 CPA Australia (PDF 275KB)
  Attachment (PDF 443KB)
103a CPA Australia (PDF 76KB)
  Attachment (PDF 609KB)
104 Dr Sean Cooney, The University of Melbourne (PDF 556KB)
105 Ethical Investment Association (PDF 54KB)
105a Ethical Investment Association (PDF 829KB)
106 Australian Bankers' Association Inc (PDF 359KB)
106a Australian Bankers' Association Inc (PDF 105KB)
107 Australian Consumers' Association (PDF 80KB)
108 Business Council of Australia (PDF 1468KB)
108a Business Council of Australia (PDF 129KB)
109 Australian Business and Community Network (PDF 138KB)
110 Price Waterhouse Coopers (PDF 395KB)
  Attachment (PDF 68KB)
111 BP Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 229KB)
112 British American Tobacco Australia (PDF 48KB)
113 Mr Thomas Clarke, University of Technology (PDF 203KB)
114 GM Holden Ltd (PDF 64KB)
115 National Australia Bank Limited (PDF 74KB)
115a National Australia Bank Limited (PDF 279KB)
116 Department of the Environment and Heritage (PDF 89KB)
117 Ms Julianna O'Bryan (PDF 26KB)
117a Ms Julianna O'Bryan (PDF 166KB)
118 Mr David White (PDF 178KB)
119 Futureye Pty Ltd (PDF 123KB)
120 Newmont Australia Limited (PDF 215KB)
121 Origin Energy (PDF 96KB)
122 Mr Lakun Agrawal (PDF 54KB)
123 Fair Dinkum Food Campaign (PDF 116KB)
124 Australian Stock Exchange (PDF 609KB)
125 Habitat for Humanity Australia Incorporated (PDF 782KB)
126 Hon Dr Gary Johns (PDF 12KB)
  Attachment (PDF 134KB)
127 United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, Australasian Operational Environmental Management and Reporting Advisory Committee (PDF 108KB)
128 Professor Margaret Nowak (PDF 48KB)
   Attachment (a) (PDF 65KB)
   Attachment (b) (PDF 155KB)
   Attachment (c) (PDF 98KB)
129 Professor Peter Newman (PDF 15KB)
   Attachment (a) (PDF 435KB)
   Attachment (b) (PDF 66KB)
   Attachment (c)  (PDF 133KB
   Attachment (d) (PDF 427KB)  
130 Global Reporting Initiative (PDF 91KB)
131 Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd (PDF 419KB)
132 Ms Yolande Morris, Centrelink Rural Call South Australia (PDF 93KB)
Attachment 1 (PDF 58KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 58KB
133 Department of Families, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs (PDF 113KB)
   Attachment (PDF 14KB)
134 The Treasury (PDF 245KB
134a The Treasury (PDF 19KB)
135 The Centre for Corporate Public Affairs (PDF 678KB)
136 Centre for Public Agency Sustainability Reporting (PDF 101KB)
137 Sustainable Asset Management (PDF 162KB)
138 Santos Ltd (PDF 402KB)
139 Mr Alistair Ping (PDF 30KB)
   Attachment (PDF 487KB)
140 Mr David Wishart (PDF 86KB)
141 Graduate School of Business, RMIT (PDF 1432KB)
142 Fuji Xerox (PDF 108KB)
143 QBE Insurance Group (PDF 340KB)
144 Law Council of Australia (PDF 173KB)
145 St James Ethis Centre & Caux Round Table (PDF 68KB)
146 Finsia (PDF 180KB)

*Many submitters sent in a standard letter concerning corporate responsibility.

Standard letter, submission 31 (PDF 12KB)

For further information, please contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3583
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719