Annotated Standing Orders of the Australian Senate

The Annotated Standing Orders of the Australian Senate was published in 2009. This online version incorporates a supplement printed in 2013 and other updates made in 2014.

In 1901, the Senate adopted the standing orders of the South Australian House of Assembly on a temporary basis while it set about the task of developing its own rules. These were the standing orders that had been used at the Australasian Federal Conventions of 1897–98 and were familiar to the greatest number of senators, many of whom had been delegates to the conventions.

In 1903, the proposed standing orders were extensively debated and amended before being adopted on 19 August, with effect from 1 September. Over the years, new standing orders were added and existing ones were amended as the Senate adapted its procedures to deal with its expanding interests more effectively. In 1989, a major revision was undertaken to update and rationalise the standing orders, which have continued to evolve to meet emerging requirements.


Chapter 1 - The opening of Parliament

  1. Proceedings on opening
  2. Governor–General’s speech
  3. Address–in–reply
  4. Opening of Parliament by the Queen

Chapter 2 - Office of the President

  1. Term of office
  2. Election of President
  3. Ballot
  4. Presentation to Governor–General

Chapter 3 - Deputy President and Chairman of Committees

  1. Term of office
  2. Appointment of Deputy President
  3. Duty of Chairman
  4. Temporary Chairmen

Chapter 4 - Absence of President, Deputy President and officers

  1. Absence of President
  2. Absence of both officers
  3. Relief of President
  4. Absence of Clerk

Chapter 5 - Standing and Select Committees

Standing committees

  1. Procedure
  2. Privileges
  3. Appropriations and Staffing
  4. Library
  5. House
  6. Publications
  7. Senators’ Interests
  8. Regulations and Ordinances
  9. Scrutiny of Bills
  10. Selection of Bills
  11. Legislative and general purpose
  12. Estimates

General Committee Provisions

  1. Membership
  2. Time for reporting
  3. Quorum
  4. Meetings
  5. Chairman
  6. Proceedings
  7. Meetings during sitting
  8. Powers
  9. Witnesses
  10. Public and private meetings
  11. Disclosure of evidence and documents
  12. Reports
  13. Proceedings on report
  14. Meetings with House of Representatives committees
  15. List of committees
  16. Joint committees

Chapter 6 - Journals and records of the Senate

  1. Publication of Journals and records
  2. Custody of records

Chapter 7 - Senators’ roll, attendance and places of senators

  1. Roll
  2. Attendance of senators
  3. Leave of absence to senators
  4. Senators’ seats

Chapter 8 - Sittings, quorum and adjournment of the Senate

  1. Meeting of Senate
  2. Prayer and acknowledgement of country
  3. Quorum at commencement of sitting
  4. Quorum during sitting
  5. Adjournment of Senate
  6. Adjournment without motion

Chapter 9 - Times of sittings and routine of business

  1. Times of meetings
  2. Conduct of business
  3. Routine of business
  4. Business of the Senate
  5. Government and general business
  6. Reports of committees—precedence
  7. Consideration of government documents
  8. Consideration of committee reports and government responses and Auditor–General’s reports
  9. Presentation of documents
  10. New business
  11. Government business on Notice Paper
  12. Formal motions
  13. Postponement of business
  14. Interruption of business

Chapter 10 - Petitions

  1. Presentation of petitions
  2. Form of petitions
  3. Content of petitions

Chapter 11 - Questions seeking information

  1. Questions without notice
  2. Rules for questions
  3. Questions on notice

Chapter 12 - Matters of public importance and urgency

  1. Proposal for debate

Chapter 13 - Notices of Motion

  1. Giving of notices
  2. Alteration and withdrawal of notices
  3. Disallowance motions

Chapter 14 - Motions and questions

  1. Notice required
  2. Disposal of motions
  3. Privilege motions
  4. Motions concerning contempts
  5. Moving of motions
  6. Putting of question
  7. Anticipatory motions
  8. Same question
  9. Rescission of order
  10. Leave of the Senate
  11. Superseded question

Chapter 15 - Amendments

  1. Moving of amendments
  2. Putting of amendments
  3. Same amendment
  4. Amendments to amendments

Chapter 16 - Previous question

  1. Form of previous question
  2. Determination of previous question

Chapter 17 - Orders of the day

  1. Source of orders
  2. Disposal of orders

Chapter 18 - Divisions

  1. Calling for divisions
  2. Voting by President
  3. Voting in divisions
  4. Taking of divisions
  5. Recording of divisions
  6. Points of order
  7. Correction of divisions
  8. Divisions in committee

Chapter 19 - Roll Call

  1. Notice of order
  2. Order for roll call
  3. Conduct of roll call
  4. Senators not present
  5. Roll call for Constitution alteration bills

Chapter 20 - Bills

  1. Initiation
  2. First reading
  3. Expedited proceedings on bills
  4. Second reading
  5. Committal
  6. Consideration in committee
  7. Order of consideration
  8. Amendments in committee
  9. Uncompleted proceedings in committee
  10. Report from committee
  11. Recommittal on report
  12. Third reading
  13. Recommittal on third reading
  14. Corrections
  15. Transmission to House of Representatives
  16. House of Representatives amendments on bills originated in the Senate
  17. Bill again returned from the House of Representatives
  18. Bills received from the House of Representatives
  19. Requests
  20. Amendments changed to requests
  21. Return of House of Representatives bill
  22. Disagreement with Senate amendments
  23. House of Representatives amendments to Senate amendments
  24. Amendments after disagreement
  25. Bills amending the Constitution
  26. Lapsed bills
  27. Presentation for assent
  28. Amendments proposed by the Governor–General
  29. Assent to bill
  30. Requests on bills not amendable by the Senate
  31. Requests not complied with
  32. Limitation of debate on bills

Chapter 21 - Committees of the Whole

  1. Appointment of committee
  2. Proceedings in committee
  3. Objection to chairman’s ruling
  4. President to resume chair
  5. Quorum
  6. Report of committee

Chapter 22 - Instructions to Committees

  1. Effect of instruction
  2. Instructions on bills
  3. Notice required

Chapter 23 - Communication between the two Houses

  1. Methods of communication
  2. Messages from the Senate
  3. Communicating a resolution
  4. Messages from the House of Representatives

Chapter 24 - Conferences

  1. Request for conference
  2. Appointment of managers
  3. Sitting suspended
  4. Time and place of conference
  5. Proceedings at conference
  6. Report of conference
  7. One conference only

Chapter 25 - Ballots

  1. Conduct of ballot

Chapter 26 - Tabling of documents

  1. Order for the production of documents
  2. Documents from the Governor–General
  3. Other methods of tabling documents
  4. Publication of tabled documents
  5. Documents quoted in debate
  6. Motions after tabling
  7. Amendments after tabling

Chapter 27 - Addresses to the Queen or the Governor-General

  1. Making of address
  2. Presentation of address

Chapter 28 - Messages from the Governor-General

  1. Presentation of message

Chapter 29 - Visitors

  1. Distinguished visitors
  2. Conduct of visitors

Chapter 30 - Witnesses

  1. Summoning of witnesses
  2. Senators as witnesses
  3. Members or officers of the House of Representatives
  4. Requests from the House of Representatives
  5. Witnesses in prison
  6. Protection of witnesses
  7. Witnesses before the Senate
  8. Evidence given elsewhere by senators or officers

Chapter 31 - Conduct of Senators and rules of debate

  1. Order maintained by President
  2. Conduct of senators
  3. The call to speak
  4. Speeches not to be read
  5. Right to speak
  6. Time limits on speeches
  7. Personal explanations
  8. Explanation of speeches
  9. Reply
  10. Rules of debate
  11. Relevance and anticipation
  12. Question may be read
  13. Tedious repetition
  14. Interruption of speaker: points of order or privilege
  15. Objection to ruling
  16. Closure of debate
  17. Putting of question ends debate
  18. Adjournment of debate
  19. Interruption by adjournment of Senate
  20. Infringement of order
  21. Suspension of senator
  22. Quarrels between senators
  23. Disobedience of orders

Chapter 32 - Disputed Returns

  1. Petitions disputing elections

Chapter 33 - Effect and suspension of standing orders

  1. Powers, privileges and immunities not affected
  2. Motion for suspension
  3. Effect of suspension


Appendix 1—Chronology of Procedural Developments in the Senate
Appendix 2—Presidents of the Senate (1901–2014)
Appendix 3—Deputy Presidents and Chairmen of Committees (1901–2014)
Appendix 4—Clerks of the Senate and other senior officers
Appendix 5—Membership of the Standing Orders and Procedure Committees
Appendix 6—Printed editions of standing orders (1903–2009)
Appendix 7—Printed editions of rulings of the President of the Senate
Appendix 8—Editions of Australian Senate Practice
Appendix 9—Chronological list of Standing Orders Committee and Procedure Committee reports (with subjects covered)
Appendix 10—Amendments to standing orders (1903–2013)
Appendix 11—Major numbering changes affecting the standing orders
Appendix 12—The 1938 MS
Appendix 13—1903 debates—Responses to Blackmore’s queries on ss.17 and 23 of the Constitution

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The source document

This publication is based on the standing orders that were in place in 2009.