Chapter 20 - Bills

123  Recommittal on third reading

When the order of the day for the third reading is called on and before the motion for the third reading is carried, the bill may, on motion, be recommitted, in whole or in part.

Amendment history

Adopted: 19 August 1903 as SO 208 but renumbered as SO 207 for the first printed edition

1989 revision: Old SO 214 renumbered as SO 123; modified by removal of provisions repeating SO 120(3); language simplified


This is a parallel provision to SO 121, providing another opportunity to recommit a bill. Because the adoption of the report and the third reading are required to take place on separate days, an opportunity for recommittal is provided in respect of each of these procedures. A ruling of President Baker confirms that a motion may be moved under this standing order, notwithstanding that an amendment has been moved to the motion for the adoption of the committee report. This question has not arisen under the expedited proceedings (SO 113).