Quality and equity in aged care

Quality and equity in aged care

23 June 2005

© Commonwealth of Australia 2005

ISBN 0 642 71508 4

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1078KB)

Membership of Committee (PDF 54KB)
Overview (PDF 16KB)
Recommendations (PDF 33KB)
Chapter 1- Introduction (PDF 14KB)

Terms of reference
Conduct of the inquiry

Chapter 2- Workforce shortages and training (PDF 105KB)
The aged care workforce
Issues facing the aged care workforce
   Nursing staff
   Personal carers
   Community care
   Medical practitioners and allied health professionals
Commonwealth Government Programs and Initiatives
   2004-05 Budget initiatives
   National Aged Care Workforce Strategy
State Government initiatives
Impact of Commonwealth Government initiatives and programs
   Nurse education and training
      Undergraduate education
      Articulation between nursing levels
      Enrolled nurse medication management training
   Wage parity
   Community care
   Workforce planning and the National Aged Care Workforce Strategy
Chapter 3 - The aged care standards and accreditation agency (PDF 169KB)
Role of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency
Assessing and monitoring care, health and safety
Views on quality of care
Ensuring adequate standards of care
   Improved accreditation processes
      Lack of consistency in assessments
      'Enhancement' of facilities prior to accreditation visits
      Improved consumer focus
      JAS-ANZ and the accreditation process
   Improved compliance monitoring
      Support visits
      Spot checks
   Improving quality of care
      Staffing levels and skills mix
      Access to medical and allied health workers
      Medication management
      Transport needs
      Needs of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
      Needs of Indigenous aged people
      Conclusion – how effective are the Accreditation Standards?
Complaints mechanisms
   Complaints Resolution Scheme
      Concerns with the Complaints Resolution Scheme
      Independent complaints agency
Promoting education and training
      Promoting best practice
      Education and training
Reducing excessive documentation
      Reporting by exception
      IT systems
      Resident Classification Scale
Chapter 4 - Young people in residential aged care facilities (PDF 188KB)
The number of young people in aged care facilities
Younger people with disabilities in the community
   Ageing carers
   Living in the community with disabilities
Young people living in an aged care facility
   No other options
   Lack of independence
   Lack of social and emotional support
   Lack of support for specific needs
   Lack of appropriate rehabilitation and other services
      Provision of specialised equipment
   Risks of living in aged care facilities
   Impact on staff
Moving young people out of aged care facilities
   Models of accommodation services
      An individual approach
Current funding arrangements
   Aged Care Act
      Residential aged care subsidies
   Innovative Pool
   Commonwealth State Territory Disability Agreement (CSTDA)
   Changes to funding arrangements
Council of Australian Governments
Chapter 5 - Funding for residents with special needs (PDF 214KB)
Funding arrangements
   Hogan Review
   Government response
   Other Commonwealth programs
Responses to current funding arrangements
Areas of unmet need
   Specialised facilities for dementia
   Mental health support
   Homeless people
   Ageing with disabilities
Chapter 6 - Community care programs (PDF 76KB)
Community care services
   Home and Community Care Program
   Special needs groups
      People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
      Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
      People with dementia
      Homeless people
      People living in remote areas
   Other community care programs.
      Community Aged Care Packages
      Extended Aged Care at Home
      Views on programs
   Adequacy of community care programs
      Community care review
   Informal care
      Supporting carers
Chapter 7 - Transitional care (PDF 54KB)
Commonwealth Government initiatives
   Transition Care Program
   Pathways Home Program
   Innovative Pool
   Effectiveness of programs
State Government and other initiatives
   Discharge planning
   Common assessment processes
   Lack of residential aged care places
   Co-ordinated approach
Appendix 1 (PDF 32KB)
List of public submissions, tabled documents and other additional information authorised for publication by the Committee
Appendix 2 (PDF 25KB)
Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at public hearings

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829
Email: community.affairs.sen@aph.gov.au