Budget Resources

Budget Analysis

Budget data resources

The Parliamentary Budget Office provides updated data for the most current Budget, and other analytical work to support parliamentarians' analysis of the Budget. The primary pathway is the Data Portal. Other resources include:

Senate Estimates

Senate Estimates committees consider estimates of government expenditure as part of the annual budget cycle, and agency annual reports through supplementary estimates hearings. You can access information related to scheduling, records, and questions currently taken on notice.

Committees include:

Previous budget reviews

An archive of Budget Reviews for previous budgets can be found here.

Additional budget resources for your research

The Transparency Portal contains all publicly available corporate information for Commonwealth Entities.

data.gov.au includes data files for budget and related papers, including online tables and electronic Portfolio Budget Statements. This canned search uses 'Department of Finance' as the organisation and 'Budget' as the key word.

Help for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff

The Parliamentary Library provides bespoke information, analysis and advice to parliamentarians, their staff and committee staff. Contact the Director of Economic Policy for information on the Budget:

The Parliamentary Budget Office provides services including confidential costing services to all parliamentarians.


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