Treasury portfolio

Supplementary Budget Estimates 2008-09 (October 2008)

Treasury portfolio

Index to Questions on Notice (PDF 258KB)

Responses to questions taken on notice at the supplementary budget estimates hearings were due on Friday 12 December 2008 - standing order 74(5) takes effect 30 days after this date.

Answers to Questions on Notice





SBT-1 Boswell ATO Tax deductions for establishment of carbon sinks (PDF 13KB)
SBT-2 Brandis APRA Authorised deposit-taking institutions - exclusion from funding guarantee (PDF 13KB)
SBT-3 Cormann Treasury Increase in excise for alcopops/ready-to-drinks (RTDs) (PDF 30KB)
SBT-4 Bushby CAMAC Short selling advice (PDF 32KB)
SBT-5 Bushby Treasury Tax Design Review Panel - implementation of recommendations (PDF 32KB)
SBT-6 Bushby ACCC Collective bargaining - owner drivers, Queensland (PDF 122KB)
SBT-7 Boswell Treasury Climate change - costs (PDF 13KB)
SBT-8 Xenophon Treasury Australians earning over $2 million per annum (PDF 14KB)
SBT-9 Bushby ATO Staff turnover (PDF 10KB)
SBT-10 Bushby Treasury Advisers/departmental liaison officers - Treasurer's office (PDF 12KB)
SBT-11 Bushby Treasury Change in Medicare Levy threshold (PDF 26KB)
SBT-12 Bushby Treasury $10.4 billion stimulus (PDF 27KB)
SBT-13 Eggleston APRA Executive remuneration (PDF 13KB)
SBT-14 Eggleston APRA Capital ratios (PDF 13KB)
SBT-15 Eggleston APRA Bank guarantees (PDF 14KB)
SBT-16 Eggleston APRA Superannuation losses (PDF 29KB)
SBT-17 Nash ACCC ACCC and market rules (PDF 26KB)
SBT-18 Coonan ASIC ASIC restructure (PDF 14KB)
SBT-19 Coonan Treasury Bank switching (PDF 35KB)
SBT-20 Coonan Treasury Collected money (PDF 15KB)
SBT-21 Coonan Treasury Household net worth (PDF 17KB)
SBT-22 Coonan Treasury FOI - stimulus package (PDF 14KB)
SBT-23 Bushby ACCC Petrol commissioner and petrol market (PDF 16KB)
SBT-24 Bushby ACCC Grocerychoice (PDF 37KB)
SBT-25 Bushby Treasury Short selling - general (PDF 20KB)
SBT-26 Bushby Treasury Short selling ban (PDF 16KB)
SBT-27 Bushby Treasury Bank deposit guarantee (PDF 19KB)
SBT-28 Bushby Treasury Wholesale funding guarantee (PDF 52KB)
SBT-29 Eggleston APRA Executive remuneration packages (PDF 24KB)
SBT-30 Fierravanti-Wells ACCC Cartel behaviour/ACCC Chairman (PDF 20KB)
SBT-31 Siewert Treasury Western Australia's onshore royalties (PDF 16KB)
SBT-32 Cormann Treasury Inpex decision regarding onshore operations in Darwin (PDF 11KB)
SBT-33 Cormann Treasury North West Shelf Joint Venture (PDF 11KB)
SBT-34 Fierravanti-Wells - Pensions and the British Government [to be answered by the Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Portfolio] N/A
SBT-35 Adams Treasury Impact of chronic disease (PDF 14KB)
SBT-36 Brandis APRA Foreign bank branches and authorised deposit-taking institutions (PDF 24KB)
SBT-37 Bushby Treasury Treasurer's office - entertainment (PDF 12KB)
SBT-38 Bushby Treasury Treasurer - travel (PDF 44KB)
SBT-39 Bushby Treasury Treasurer - media monitoring (PDF 13KB)
SBT-40 Bushby ATO Call centre staff (PDF 18KB)
SBT-41 Bushby ATO Graduates (PDF 13KB)
SBT-42 Bushby ATO Targeting athletes of high status (PDF 17KB)
SBT-43 Abetz ATO Advance payment of BAS (PDF 25KB)
SBT-44 Abetz ATO Carbon sink legislation (PDF 11KB)
SBT-45 Coonan Treasury Unlimited deposit guarantee (PDF 14KB)
SBT-46 Coonan Treasury Unlimited guarantee - Prime Minister and Mr Stevens (PDF 11KB)
SBT-47 Coonan Treasury Unlimited guarantee - Reserve Bank advice (PDF 13KB)
SBT-48 Bob Brown Treasury Guarantee deposits - international consideration (PDF 11KB)
SBT-49 Xenophon Treasury Percentage of depositors covered by the deposit guarantee (PDF 11KB)
SBT-50 Bob Brown Treasury Deposit guarantee - coverage of financial instruments (PDF 14KB)
SBT-51 Abetz Treasury Unlimited deposit guarantee - advice from RBA (PDF 21KB)
SBT-52 Coonan Treasury Deposit guarantee - market reaction (PDF 13KB)
SBT-53 Abetz Treasury Bank deposit guarantee - second reading speech (PDF 17KB)
SBT-54 Bushby Treasury Australian economy - stimulus package (PDF 17KB)
SBT-55 Brandis Treasury Guarantee of wholesale borrowings (PDF 16KB)
SBT-56 Heffernan Treasury Position of the United States of America (PDF 12KB)
SBT-57 Coonan Treasury Fiscal stimulus package (PDF 12KB)
SBT-58 Coonan Treasury Stimulus package - Treasury advice (PDF 12KB)
SBT-59 Abetz/Coonan Treasury Deposit guarantee - fees and charges (PDF 13KB)
SBT-60 Xenophon Treasury Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme - transmission costs (PDF 12KB)
SBT-61 Xenophon Treasury Emissions trading scheme - Canadian scheme (PDF 18KB)
SBT-62 Xenophon Treasury Carbon capture and storage - ultra supercritical coal (PDF 14KB)
SBT-63 Bushby Treasury MYEFO 2007-08 (PDF 18KB)
SBT-64 Payne Treasury First Home Owners Grant - increase (PDF 13KB)
SBT-65 Payne Treasury First Home Owners Grant - existing and new homes (PDF 12KB)
SBT-66 Joyce Treasury Emissions trading scheme - revenue (PDF 19KB)
SBT-67 Milne Treasury Emissions trading scheme - technical constraints (PDF 16KB)
SBT-68 Cameron ABS Executive salaries (PDF 19KB)
SBT-69 Joyce/Bushby ACCC Grocerychoice website (PDF 14KB)
SBT-70 Heffernan ACCC Inquiry into fertiliser prices (PDF 16KB)
SBT-71 Payne Treasury First Home Saver Account - modelling (PDF 17KB)
SBT-72 Bushby Treasury Forecast of additional tax measures (PDF 16KB)
SBT-73 Bushby Treasury GST revenue forecast (PDF 15KB)
SBT-74 Bushby Treasury Income tax revenue (PDF 15KB)
SBT-75 Bushby Treasury Taxation policy decisions - coalition government (PDF 12KB)
SBT-76 Eggleston Treasury Early release of superannuation (PDF 76KB)
SBT-77 Eggleston Treasury Retirement incomes (PDF 15KB)
SBT-78 Williams Treasury Emissions trading scheme - effect on produce (PDF 14KB)
SBT-79 Abetz Treasury Luxury car tax (PDF 15KB)
SBT-80 Bushby Treasury Residential mortgage securities - advice (PDF 13KB)
SBT-81 Bushby Treasury Bank switching (PDF 13KB)
SBT-82 Brandis APRA $20 000 cap on deposit guarantees - APRA consultation (PDF 16KB)
SBT-83 Joyce APRA Deposit guarantee - contingent liability (PDF 12KB)
SBT-84 Joyce PC Operation Sunlight (PDF 16KB)
SBT-85 Xenophon PC Efficiency dividend (PDF 12KB)
SBT-86 Xenophon Treasury Terms of reference for gambling inquiry (PDF 15KB)

 Tabled documents and letters of correction/clarification

Tabled document no. 1:  Treasury Opening Statement
(tabled by Dr David Gruen, Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group, The Treasury on Wednesday 22 October 2008)
(PDF 2464KB)
Tabled document no. 2:  Advice from the Deputy Clerk to Senator Eggleston, dated 21 October 2008
(tabled by Senator Alan Eggleston, Deputy Chair on Wednesday 22 October 2008)
(PDF 2159KB)
No letters of correction/clarification relating to the Treasury portfolio have been received by the committee.  

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719