Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio

Supplementary Estimates 2005-06

Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio

Index to Questions on Notice (PDF 315KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN Topic PDF format
PM1-5, 54, 61, 75, 76 Various topics (PDF 948KB)
PM6 Post-Budget Welfare to Work Amendments (PDF 40KB)
PM7 COAG trial evaluation (PDF 45KB)
PM8 COAG trial evaluation (PDF 73KB)
PM11 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 49KB)
PM12 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 28KB)
PM13 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 58KB)
PM14 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 60KB)
PM15 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 34KB)
PM16 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 42KB)
PM17 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 54KB)
PM18 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 131KB)
PM19 Tasmanian Forests Package - Skills and training measure (PDF 64KB)
PM20 Prime Minister's meetings with the Exclusive Brethren (PDF 32KB)
PM21 The Exclusive Brethren and the funding of education trusts and/or private schools (PDF 34KB)
PM22 Industrial relations campaign - funding of campaign (PDF 26KB)
PM23 Industrial relations campaign - consideration by committee (PDF 25KB)
PM24 Industrial relations campaign - public relations consultants (PDF 24KB)
PM25 Industrial relations campaign - media spend (PDF 23KB)
PM26 Industrial relations campaign - approval of budget (PDF 68KB)
PM27 Industrial relations campaign - budget approval (PDF 26KB)
PM28 Industrial relations campaign - disaggregation of of $2.9m (PDF 25KB)
PM29 Industrial relations campaign - disaggregation of the second tranche (PDF 25KB)
PM30 Industrial relations campaign - other larger campaigns (PDF 25KB)
PM31 Industrial relations campaign - internet sites (PDF 45KB)
PM32 Industrial relations campaign - spend on internet (PDF 26KB)
PM33 Family and community services campaigns (Keeping the System Fair and Support the System that Supports You) - media expenditure (PDF 32KB)
PM34 Support the System that Supports You - campaign timing (PDF 28KB)
PM35 Support the System that Supports You - budget (PDF 27KB)
PM36 Costs incurred by PM&C in relation to the industrial relations legislation (PDF 55KB)
PM37 Cost of the Prime Minister and the full party including extras like food and alcohol consumption for their stay at Claridges (PDF 65KB)
PM38 Industrial relations campaign - reach target (PDF 27KB)
PM39 Industrial relations campaign - tracking research (PDF 33KB)
PM40 Industrial relations campaign - tracking research frequency (PDF 26KB)
PM41 Official functions at Kirribilli House (PDF 37KB)
PM42 UN Oil For Food Programme - Volcker Inquiry (PDF 55KB)
PM43 UN Oil For Food Programme - Volcker Inquiry (PDF 54KB)
PM44 Briefs to the Prime Minister (PDF 61KB)
PM45 APEC 2007 Taskforce (PDF 38KB)
PM46 APEC 2007 Taskforce (PDF 45KB)
PM48 ICT procurement (PM&C) (PDF 73KB)
PM48a ICT procurement (Ombudsman) (PDF 91KB)
PM49 Performance of Information Technology outsourcing arrangements (PDF 72KB)
PM50 ICT procurement (APSC) (PDF 90KB)
PM51 ICT procurement (NWC) (PDF 18KB)
PM52 ICT procurement (ONA) (PDF 99KB)
PM53 ICT procurement (IGIS) (PDF 73KB)
PM54 (Listed at the top of this table)  
PM55 Order for departmental and agency contracts (PM&C) (PDF 314KB)
PM56 Order for departmental and agency contracts (ANAO) (PDF 106KB)
PM57 Order for departmental and agency contracts (APSC) (PDF 143KB)
PM58 Order for departmental and agency contracts (NWC) (PDF 27KB)
PM59 Order for departmental and agency contracts (ONA) (PDF 103KB)
PM60 Order for departmental and agency contracts (IGIS) (PDF 149KB)
PM61 (Listed at the top of this table)  
PM62 Travel expenditure (PDF 213KB)
PM62a Travel expenditure (PDF 68KB)
PM69 Indigenous employment in the APS (PDF 258KB)
PM70 In relation to the Budget item, Indigenous Functions (PDF 125KB)
PM73 APEC 2007 Taskforce (PDF 253KB)
PM72  Task forces, interdepartmental committees and working groups (PDF 1085KB)
PM74 Ministerial Staff and Departmental Liaison Officers (PDF 164KB)
PM75 Official residences - The Lodge, Kirribilli House (For the residences of the Governor-General, see PM75 as listed near the top of this table) (PDF 353KB)
PM76 (Listed at the top of this table)  

Additional information and tabled documents

Topic PDF format
IGIS inquiries as at October 2005 - Tabled 31 October 2005 (PDF 47KB)
GCU - Advertising campaign activity details - Tabled 31 October 2005 (PDF 99KB)
PM&C - Transcript of a speech by the Prime Minister on 12 August 2005 - Tabled 31 October 2005 (PDF 572KB)
GG - Correspondence to Professor John Warhurst, Australian Republican Movement - Tabled 31 October 2005 (PDF 217KB)
PM&C - Clarification of evidence - new accommodation project - Received 3 November 2005 (PDF 60KB)
PM&C - Further evidence regarding briefing the Prime Minister about the Oil for Food inquiry - Received 7 November 2005 (PDF 92KB)
ONA - correction to evidence - possible bird flu pandemic - Received 9 November 2005 (PDF 65KB)
Covering letter (dated 30 November 2005) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 19 December 2005 (PDF 63KB)
Covering letter (dated 14 December 2005) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 19 December 2005 (PDF 40KB)
Covering letter (dated 16 December 2005) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 21 December 2005 (PDF 55KB)
Covering letter (dated 4 January 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 4 January 2006 (PDF 105KB)
Covering letter (dated 23 January 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 23 January 2006 (PDF 93KB)
Covering letter (dated 25 January 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 30 January 2006 (PDF 49KB)
Covering letter (dated 1 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 3 February 2006 (PDF 80KB)
Covering letter (dated 3 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 3 February 2006 (PDF 67KB)
Covering letter (dated 2 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 6 February 2006 (PDF 89KB)
Covering letter (dated 6 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 7 February 2006 (PDF 90KB)
Covering letter (dated 9 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 10 February 2006 (PDF 83KB)
Covering letter (dated 10 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 10 February 2006 (PDF 102KB)
Covering letter (dated 9 February 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 13 February 2006 (PDF 93KB)
Covering letter (dated 16 May 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 18 May 2006 (PDF 51KB)
Covering letter (dated 16 May 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 18 May 2006 (PDF 46KB)
Covering letter (dated 18 September 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice - Received 19 September 2006 (PDF 46KB)
Covering letter (dated 27 October 2006) accompanying answers to questions on notice. - Received 27 October 2006 (PDF 50KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3569
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809