Health Portfolio

Health Portfolio

Tabled documents, 1 March 2017

Tabled by: Document View
Senator Watt Extract of election of policy costing related to continuous glucose monitoring devices. (PDF 476 KB)
Senator Watt Information from the Department of Health website on the criteria for funding a drug through the Life Savings Drug Program. (PDF 1533 KB)
Senator Watt Letter sent by the Department of Human Services regarding children that were eligible for dental benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. (PDF 596 KB)
Senator Singh
Letter from the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, to the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, on the vaccination of Australian children against meningococcal B disease. (PDF 936 KB)

Additional information

Provided by: Document View
Senator Watt Sue Dunlevy, 'Aussies at rick of dying in their sleep left in the lurch by broken election promise', The Courier Mail, 28 February 2017. (PDF 3280 KB)
Senator Watt Sean Parnell, 'Leave cost hike to us, insurers tell Hunt', The Weekend Australian, 11 February 2017, p. 1. (PDF 1214 KB)
Department of Health Correspondence from Professor John Skerritt, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health, dated 15 March 2017, which clarifies evidence given at the hearing on 1 March 2017. (PDF 475 KB)
Department of Health Correspondence from Ms Maria Jolly, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, dated 10 April 2017, which clarifies evidence given at the hearing on 1 March 2017. (PDF 558 KB)

Questions on notice

Index to Questions on Notice (PDF 606 KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

Responses to questions taken on notice at the Additional Estimates hearing were due on Friday 21 April 2017.

QoN No. Senator Broad Topic Answer to QoN Date Answer Received
SQ17-000002 Watt Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PDF 145 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000003 Siewert Report on Veteran Suicide (PDF 193 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000004 Siewert Report on Veteran Suicide (PDF 142 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000005 Siewert Coroners Reports - Suicide (PDF 208 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000006 Griff, MBS Items (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000007 Watt Medicare MRI Licences (PDF 138 KB)

Attachment A
(PDF 520 KB)
SQ17-000008 Watt PET Scanner - Darwin (PDF 142 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000009 Watt Skin Cancer Items (PDF 141 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000010 Watt Private Health Insurance Banding (PDF 201 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000011 Watt Private Health Insurance Banding (PDF 240 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000012 Di Natale MBS Freeze (PDF 145 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000013 Di Natale MBS Freeze (PDF 144 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000014 Di Natale MBS Freeze (PDF 143 KB)  2/8/04/2017
SQ17-000015 Di Natale MBS Review and MSAC Process (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000016 Siewert Hearing Loss (PDF 140 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000017 Siewert Hearing Health (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000018 Dastyari Health Insurance Providers (PDF 145 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000019 Dastyari Private Health Insurers (PDF 192 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000020 Dastyari Premiums (PDF 188 KB) 28/04/2017
SQ17-000021 Dastyari Premiums (PDF 483 KB) 24/05/2017
SQ17-000022 Dastyari Reduced Premiums (PDF 153 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000023 Polley LSDP Post-Market Review (PDF 141 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000024 Watt LSDP Post-Market Review (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000025 Polley LSDP Post-Market Review (PDF 140 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000026 Watt Life Saving Drugs Program (PDF 198 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000027 Di Natale Life Saving Drugs Program (PDF 200 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000028 Di Natale LSDP Review (PDF 140 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000029 Di Natale Premiums Increase (PDF 188 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000030 Di Natale Private Health Insurance (PDF 189 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000031 Di Natale Private Health Insurance (PDF 144 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000032 Di Natale Private Health Insurance - Hospital Cover (PDF 210 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000033 Di Natale Private Health Insurance - Hospital Cover (PDF 213 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000034 Watt Child Dental Benefits Schedule (PDF 144 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000035 Watt Child Dental Benefits Schedule (PDF 142 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000036 Singh Dental Services (PDF 145 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000037 Singh Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PDF 256 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000038 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 149 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000039 Watt Out-of-Pocket Costs (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000040 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 141 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000041 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 143 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000042 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 195 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000043 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 239 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000044 O'Neill Mental Health Services (PDF 301 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000045 O'Neill Mental Health Nurses (PDF 210 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000046 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 279 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000047 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 219 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000048 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 380 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000049 O'Neill Suicide Prevention (PDF 180 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000050 O'Neill Suicide Prevention (PDF 139 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000051 O'Neill Psychosocial Services (PDF 141 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000052 Kakoschke-Moore Rural Roundtable (PDF 138 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000053 Kakoschke-Moore Rural Roundtable (PDF 141 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000054 Kakoschke-Moore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers (PDF 233 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000055 Kakoschke-Moore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarships (PDF 236 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000056 Roberts Suicide Rates (PDF 416 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000057 Roberts Suicide Prevention (PDF 275 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000058 Roberts National Mental Health Commissioner (PDF 144 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000059 O'Neill Headspace (PDF 182 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000060 O'Neill Partners in Recovery (PDF 147 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000061 Watt Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (PDF 150 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000062 Watt Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (PDF 143 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000063 Watt Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000064 Watt Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (PDF 144 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000065 Watt Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000066 Watt Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (PDF 189 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000067 Leyonhjelm Plain Packaging - Cigars (PDF 210 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000068 Polley Mersey Hospital (PDF 144 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000069 Di Natale Cost of Pap Smears (PDF 146 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000070 Griff National Diabetes Strategy (PDF 291 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000071 Griff National Diabetes Strategy (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000072 Watt Cancer Screening Register (PDF 139 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000073 Di Natale Cancer Screening Register (PDF 142 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000074 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program and the Substance Misuse Service Delivery Grants Fund (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000075 Watt Drug and Alcohol Services (PDF 175 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000076 Di Natale Ice Taskforce (PDF 151 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000077 Leyonhjelm Tobacco Plain Packaging (PDF 151 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000078 Griff After-Hours Primary Health Care (PDF 269 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000079 Griff Corporate Medical Deputising Services (PDF 138 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000080 Griff MBS Payments (PDF 145 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000081 Polley ACAT Assessments (PDF 189 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000082 Siewert MBS Review (PDF 189 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000083 Polley Depression in Aged Care Residents (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000084 Polley National Dementia Strategy (PDF 237 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000085 Polley Short-Term Restorative Care Program (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000086 Polley Aged Care (PDF 191 KB)

Attachment A
(PDF 211 KB)
SQ17-000087 Di Natale Medicinal Cannabis (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000088 Di Natale Medicinal Cannabis (PDF 209 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000089 Di Natale Medicinal Cannabis (PDF 166 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000090 Singh Supply of Bexsero (PDF 197 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000091 Singh Supply of Bexsero (PDF 143 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000092 Singh Supply of Bexsero (PDF 142 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000093 Ludlam Diagnosis (PDF 181 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000094 Farrell Staffing Information - ASADA (PDF 143KB) 

Attachment A
(PDF 5301 KB)
SQ17-000095 Farrell 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games - Meetings (PDF 143 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000096 Farrell 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games - Events (PDF 183 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000097 Farrell 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games - Events (PDF 202 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000098 Farrell Ministerial Briefs - Office for Sport (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000099 Farrell Ministerial Briefs - ASC (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000100 Farrell Ministerial Briefs - ASADA (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000101 Farrell Ministerial Briefs - Sport (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000102 Farrell Ministerial Briefs - AOC and ASC (PDF 145 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000103 Brown Special Olympics Australia (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000104 Brown Special Olympics Tasmania (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000105 Brown Special Olympics - Tasmania (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000106 Brown Special Olympics Australia (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000114 Bushby Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) (PDF 189 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000115 Bernardi Taxpayer spending on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (PDF 141 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000116 Bernardi Taxpayer spending on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (PDF 240 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000117 Bernardi Taxpayer spending on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (PDF 143 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000118 Bernardi Taxpayer spending on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (PDF 141 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000119 Bernardi Taxpayer spending on the World Health Organization's (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) (PDF 143 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000120 Roberts Mental Health (PDF 188 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000121 Roberts Mental Health (PDF 137 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000122 Roberts Mental Health (PDF 140 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000123 Roberts Mental Health (PDF 137 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000124 Roberts Mental Health (PDF 142 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000125 Williams Q Fever Vaccine (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000126 Williams Q Fever Vaccine (PDF 183 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000127 Williams Q Fever Vaccine (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000128 Duniam Mersey Community Hospital (PDF 139 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000129 Duniam Hemp Derived Foods (PDF 268 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000130 Duniam Indefinite referrals (PDF 199 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000131 Duniam Health Complaints and Regulatory Oversight (PDF 245 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000132 Duniam Primary Health Commissioning in Tasmania (PDF 511 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000133 Duniam Primary Health Commissioning in Tasmania (PDF 144 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000134 Duniam Primary Health Commissioning in Tasmania (PDF 141 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000135 Duniam Primary Health Commissioning in Tasmania (PDF 192 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000136 Duniam Primary Health Commissioning in Tasmania (PDF 143 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000149 Smith Application to Redefine the Definition of Nicotine in Schedule 7 of the Poisons Schedule (PDF 238 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000150 Smith Application to Redefine the Definition of Nicotine in Schedule 7 of the Poisons Schedule (PDF 239 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000151 Smith Application to Redefine the Definition of Nicotine in Schedule 7 of the Poisons Schedule (PDF 234 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000152 Smith Application to Redefine the Definition of Nicotine in Schedule 7 of the Poisons Schedule (PDF 141 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000153 Leyonhjelm e-Cigarettes (PDF 147 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000154 Leyonhjelm e-Cigarettes (PDF 284 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000155 Leyonhjelm Poisons Standard - Cigarettes (PDF 182 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000156 Leyonhjelm Poisons Standard - Cigarettes (PDF 186 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000157 Leyonhjelm Poisons Standard - Cigarettes (PDF 183 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000158 Leyonhjelm e-Cigarettes (PDF 185 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000159 Leyonhjelm Scheduling of Products Containing Codine (PDF 140 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000160 Leyonhjelm Medicinal Cannabis (PDF 190 KB) 28/04/2017
SQ17-000161 Leyonhjelm Cigarette Packaging (PDF 245 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000162 Leyonhjelm Alcohol Guidelines (PDF 141 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000163 Leyonhjelm Alcohol Guidelines (PDF 191 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000164 Leyonhjelm Alcohol Guidelines (PDF 191 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000165 Leyonhjelm Alcohol Guidelines (PDF 139 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000166 Siewert Community Mental health Programs (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000167 Siewert Community Mental Health Programs (PDF 198 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000168 Siewert Community Mental Health Program (PDF 144 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000169 Siewert Community Mental Health Program (PDF 308 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000170 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000171 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 202 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000172 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 161 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000173 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000174 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000175 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 247 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000176 Siewert Home Care Packages (PDF 195 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000177 Siewert Home Care Packages (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000178 Siewert Home Care Reforms (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000179 Siewert National Screening and Assessment Form (PDF 200 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000180 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 141 KB) 9/05/2017
SQ17-000181 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000182 Siewert Aged Care Legislation Review (PDF 195 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000183 Siewert Hoe Care Packages (PDF 143 KB) 9/05/2017
SQ17-000184 Siewert Home Care Packages (PDF 183 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000185 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 183 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000186 Siewert Aged Care Facilities (PDF 270 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000187 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000188 Siewert My Aged Care (PDF 147 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000189 Siewert Access to Federal Translating and Interpreting Services (PDF 254 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000190 Siewert Cost of Federal Translating and Interpreting Services (PDF 143 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000191 Siewert Diversity Framework (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000192 Siewert NICNAS (PDF 191 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000193 Reynolds Residential Aged Care Breakdown (PDF 187 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000194 Reynolds Residential Aged Care Services (PDF 198 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000195 Reynolds Residential Aged Care Services (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000196 Reynolds Residential Aged Care Services (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000197 Griff Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) (PDF 382 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000198 Griff, Practice Incentives Program (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000199 Griff Practice Incentives Program (PDF 145 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000200 Griff, Practice Incentives Program (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000201 Griff Practice Incentives Program (PDF 137 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000202 Griff After-Hours Medical Deputising Services (PDF 418 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000203 Griff After Hours Services (PDF 185 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000204 Griff After Hours Medical Deputising Services (PDF 188 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000205 Griff After Hours Services (PDF 187 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000206 Griff After Hours Services (PDF 183 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000207 Griff After Hours Primary Health Care System (PDF 202 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000208 Griff After Hours Services (PDF 144 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000209 Griff After Hours Services (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000210 Griff Fraud Relating to After Hours Services (PDF 183 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000211 Griff Healthcare Homes (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000212 Griff Healthcare Homes (PDF 191 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000213 Griff Healthcare Homes - Payments (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000214 Griff Healthcare Homes (PDF 183 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000215 Griff Healthcare Homes (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000216 Griff NHMRC (PDF 187 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000217 Griff NHMRC (PDF 300 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000218 Griff NHMRC (PDF 184 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000219 Griff NHMRC (PDF 139 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000220 Griff Biologic Drugs (PDF 226 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000221 Griff Biologic Drugs (PDF 137 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000222 Griff Biologic Drugs (PDF 143 KB) 28/04/2017
SQ17-000223 Griff Biologic Drugs (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000224 Griff Biosimilar Drugs (PDF 140 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000225 Griff Biosimilar Drugs (PDF 157 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000226 Griff Biosimilar Drugs (PDF 218 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000227 Griff Medicare Benefits Schedule (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000228 Griff MBS Review Taskforce (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000229 Griff MBS Review Taskforce (PDF 189 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000230 Griff MBS Review Taskforce (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000231 Griff MBS Review Taskforce (PDF 193 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000232 Griff MBS Review Taskforce (PDF 248 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000233 Griff National Diabetes Strategy 2016-2020 (PDF 205 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000234 Griff, National Diabetes Strategy 2016-2020 (PDF 184 KB)

Attachment A
(PDF 1639  KB)
SQ17-000235 Griff National Diabetes Strategy 2016-2020 (PDF 170 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000236 Bilyk Ministerial Functions (PDF 139 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000237 Bilyk Departmental Functions (PDF 554 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000238 Bilyk Plants and Gardens (PDF 200 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000239 Bilyk Plants and Gardens (PDF 141 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000240 Bilyk Subscriptions (PDF 423 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000241 Bilyk Subscriptions (PDF 201 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000242 Bilyk Gifts (PDF 432 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000243 Bilyk Gifts (PDF 139 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000244 Bilyk Water Coolers (PDF 142 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000245 Bilyk Water Coolers (PDF 145 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000246 Bilyk Snacks (PDF 162 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000247 Bilyk Snacks (PDF 140 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000248 Bilyk Coffee Machines (PDF 167 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000249 Bilyk Mobile Devices (PDF 147 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000250 Bilyk Stationery and Paper (PDF 190 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000251 Bilyk Executive Office Upgrades (PDF 141 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000252 Bilyk Facilities Upgrades (PDF 140 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000253 Bilyk Vacancies (PDF 157 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000254 Bilyk Media and Public Relations (PDF 231 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000255 Bilyk Advertising and Information Campaigns (PDF 190 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000256 Bilyk Market Research (PDF 254 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000257 Bilyk Legal Costs (PDF 190 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000258 Bilyk Consultancies (PDF 148 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000259 Bilyk Redundancies (PDF 213 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000260 Bilyk iTunes/Android (PDF 140 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000261 Bilyk Websites (PDF 214 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000262 Bilyk Flights (PDF 142 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000263 Bilyk Ground Transport (PDF 251 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000264 Polley ACAT and RAS Assessments (PDF 264 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000265 Polley Aged Care Guide (PDF 230 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000266 Polley Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) (PDF 139 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000267 Polley Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000268 Polley Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000269 Polley Dementia and National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000270 Polley Specialist Dementia Care Units (PDF 187 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000271 Polley 2016-17 Aged Care Approvals Round (PDF 194 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000272 Polley 2016-17 Aged Care Approvals Round (PDF 188 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000273 Polley Aged Care Provision Ratio (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000274 Polley Aged Care Roadmap (PDF 554 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000275 Polley Aged Care Legislative Review (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000276 Polley Aged Care Legislative Review (PDF 241 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000277 Polley Aged Care Legislative Review (PDF 189 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000278 Polley Aged Care Legislative Review (PDF 138 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000279 Polley Aged Care Legislative Review (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000280 Polley MYEFO 2016-17 (PDF 142 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000281 Polley MYEFO 2016-17 (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000282 Polley Tendering Practices (PDF 142 KB) 9/05/2017
SQ17-000283 Polley Mental Health Services in Residential Care (PDF 192 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000284 Polley Mental Health Services in Residential Care (PDF 185 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000285 Polley, Mental Health Services in Residential Care (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000286 Polley Home Care (PDF 318 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000287 Polley Home Care (PDF 145 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000288 Polley Home Care (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000289 Polley Home Care (PDF 138 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000290 Polley Home Care (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000291 Polley Home Care (PDF 144 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000292 Polley Home Care (PDF 159 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000293 Polley Home Care (PDF 138 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000294 Polley Home Care (PDF 200 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000295 Polley Home Care (PDF 198 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000296 Polley Home Care (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000297 Polley Home Care (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000298 Polley Home Care (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000299 Polley Home Care (PDF 140 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000300 Polley Home Care (PDF 244 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000301 Polley Home Care (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000302 Polley Home Care (PDF 197 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000303 Polley Home Care (PDF 200 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000304 Polley Home Care (PDF 255 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000305 Polley Home Care (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000306 Polley Residential Care (PDF 200 KB) 

Attachment A
(PDF 6591 KB)
SQ17-000307 Polley Residential Care (PDF 147 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000308 Watt Rural Health Workforce Agencies (PDF 211 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000309 Watt, Health Workforce Scholarship Programme (PDF 177 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000310 Watt Health Workforce Scholarship Programme (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000311 Watt Health Workforce Scholarship Programme (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000312 Watt GP Numbers (PDF 283 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000313 Watt Rural Health Commissioner (PDF 185 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000314 Watt Imported Blood Products (PDF 185 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000315 Watt Imported Blood Products (PDF 185 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000316 Watt, Sussan Ley travel to USA (PDF 201 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000317 Watt Codeine (PDF 274 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000318 Watt Codeine (PDF 303 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000319 Watt Chronic Diseases (PDF 186 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000320 Watt Public Hospitals (PDF 382 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000321 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000322 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000323 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000324 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000325 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000326 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000327 Di Natale National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 191 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000328 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000329 Watt Bulk Billing (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000330 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Programme and the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund (PDF 139 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000331 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Programme and the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund (PDF 139 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000332 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Programme and the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000333 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Programme and the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund (PDF 286 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000334 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Programme and the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund (PDF 218 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000335 Di Natale Scholarships (PDF 138 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000336 Watt Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Programme and the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund (PDF 139 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000337 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 141 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000338 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 139 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000339 Di Natale Scholarships (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000340 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 136 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000341 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 135 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000342 Di Natale Specialist Training Program (PDF 141 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000343 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 136 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000344 Watt, National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 137 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000345 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 137 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000346 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 548 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000347 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 187 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000348 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000349 Watt National Cancer Screening Register (PDF 202 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000350 Watt Preventive Health (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000351 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 178 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000352 Wat Preventive Health (PDF 145 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000353 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 139 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000354 Watt Preventive Health (PDF 139 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000355 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 142 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000356 Watt, Preventive Health (PDF 138 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000357 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 201 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000358 Watt Preventive Health (PDF 139 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000359 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000360 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000361 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 142 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000362 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000363 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000364 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000365 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 137 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000366 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 249 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000367 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000368 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 200 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000369 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000370 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 265 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000371 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 184 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000372 Watt, Murray Health Care Homes (PDF 137 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000373 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 187 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000374 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 184 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000375 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 184 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000376 Watt Health Care Homes (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000377 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 142 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000378 Watt Life Saving Drugs Program (PDF 138 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000379 Watt Life Saving Drugs Program (PDF 181 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000380 Watt Life Saving Drugs Program (PDF 145 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000381 Watt Life Saving Drugs Program (PDF 233 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000382 Watt Meningococcal B (PDF 188 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000383 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 141 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000384 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 187 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000385 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 185 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000386 Di Natale Alcohol and other Drugs (PDF 244 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000387 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 186 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000388 Di Natale Biosimilars (PDF 190 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000389 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000390 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 137 KB) 2/05/2017
SQ17-000391 Di Natale TGA Drug warning labels (PDF 142 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000392 Di Natale TGA Drug warning labels (PDF 141 KB) 24/05/2017
SQ17-000393 Di Natale TGA Drug warning labels (PDF 205 KB) 24/05/2017
SQ17-000394 Di Natale TGA drug warning labels (PDF 185 KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000395 Di Natale ASADA / Essendon (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000396 Di Natale ASADA / Essendon (PDF 252 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000397 Di Natale ASADA / Essendon (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000398 Di Natale ASADA / Essendon (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000399 Rice Nano titanium dioxide in food (PDF 241 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000400 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000401 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 137 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000402 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000403 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 136 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000404 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000405 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 137 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000406 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000407 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 137 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000408 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000409 Watt Flexible Funds (PDF 138 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000410 Watt Hospitals (PDF 137 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000411 Watt Q Fever (PDF 185 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000412 Rice Intentional nanoparticles in food (PDF 188 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000413 Watt Market Research (PDF 183 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000414 Watt MBS Review (PDF 189 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000415 Watt MBS Review (PDF 205 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000416 Watt MBS Review (PDF 184 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000417 Watt MBS Review (PDF 137 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000418 Watt MBS Review (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000419 Watt AusTender Contract - MBS Review (PDF 189 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000420 Watt Biosimilars Awareness (PDF 257 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000421 O'Neill Roadmap for National Mental Health Reform 2012-2022 (PDF 190 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000422 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 155 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000423 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000424 Rice FSANZ travel (PDF 143 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000425 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 199 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000426 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000427 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000428 Rice Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (PDF 198 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000429 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000430 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000431 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 192 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000432 O'Neill Fifth National Mental Health Plan (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000433 Rice Office of Gene Technology Regulator (PDF 278 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000434 O'Neill Mental Health Funding (PDF 585 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000435 O'Neill Mental Health Funding (PDF 147 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000436 O'Neill Mental health Funding (PDF 257 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000437 O'Neill Mental Health Funding (PDF 138 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000438 O'Neill Mental Health Funding (PDF 187 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000439 O'Neill Mental Health Funding (PDF 247 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000440 O'Neill Review of Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Services (PDF 231 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000441 Rice Office of Gene Technology Regulator (PDF 186 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000442 O'Neill Mental Health First Aid Training (PDF 209 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000443 Rice Participation in Sport (PDF 254 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000445 O'Neill Suicide Prevention Trial Sites (PDF 185 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000446 O'Neill Commissioning of Psychosocial Services (PDF 228 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000447 O'Neill NDIS Eligibility (PDF 145 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000448 O'Neill NDIS Eligibility (PDF 138 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000449 O'Neill NDIS Eligibility (PDF 139 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000450 O'Neill NDIS Eligibility (PDF 188 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000452 O'Neill NDIS Eligibility (PDF 140 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000453 O'Neill Mental Health Workforce (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000454 Rice Participation in Sport (PDF 142 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000455 O'Neill Mental Health Workforce (PDF 142 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000456 O'Neill Mental Health Workforce (PDF 261 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000457 O'Neill Mental Health Workforce (PDF 143 KB) 22/05/2017
SQ17-000458 O'Neill 10 PHN Mental Health Lead Sites (PDF 172 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000459 Rice Participation in sport (PDF 144 KB) 28/04/2017
SQ17-000460 O'Neill 10 PHN Mental Health Lead Sites (PDF 140 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000461 O'Neill 10 PHN Mental Health Lead Sites (PDF 141 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000462 Rice Distribution of Grants across Females/males (PDF 266 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000463 O'Neill 10 PHN Mental Health Lead Sites (PDF 142 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000464 O'Neill PHNs (PDF 199 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000465 O'Neill PHNs (PDF 202 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000466 O'Neill PHNs (PDF 235 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000467 O'Neill PHNs (PDF 209 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000468 Rice Participation of girls and women in sport (PDF 202 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000469 O'Neill PHNs (PDF 146 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000470 Farrell Former Minister Ley (PDF 145 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000471 Rice Funding of Women's sport (PDF 203 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000472 Farrell File List (Harradine Order) (PDF 139 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000473 Farrell Funding (PDF 323 KB) 23/05/2017
SQ17-000474 Farrell Savings Measures (PDF 149 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000475 Farrell Funding (PDF 201 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000476 Farrell Funding (PDF 141 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000477 Farrell Funding (PDF 143 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000478 Farrell Funding (PDF 143 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000479 Farrell Redundancies (PDF 138 KB)  1/05/2017
SQ17-000480 Farrell Sporting Schools (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000481 Farrell Sporting Schools (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000482 Farrell Sporting Schools (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000483 Farrell Local Sporting Champions (PDF 2046 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000484 Farrell Local Sporting Champions (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000485 Farrell AIS Review (PDF 145 KB) 25/05/2017
SQ17-000486 Farrell AIS Review (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000487 Farrell AIS Review (PDF 141 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000488 Griff Child Dental Benefit Schedule - promotion (PDF 186 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000489 Farrell AIS Review (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000490 Griff Child Dental Benefit Schedule - review recommendations (PDF 138 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000491 Griff Child Dental Benefit Schedule - marketing (PDF 183 KB) 12/05/2017
SQ17-000493 Xenophon Waste (PDF 236 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000494 Xenophon Ice (PDF 196 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000495 Xenophon Ice (PDF 144 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000496 Xenophon Ice (PDF 146 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000497 Xenophon Ice (PDF 211 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000498 Xenophon Ice (PDF 140 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000499 Xenophon MBS Items - Addiction Medicine Specialists (PDF 208 KB)  28/04/2017
SQ17-000500 Roberts Asbestos Safety (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000501 Roberts Asbestos Safety (PDF 188 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000502 Roberts Asbestos Safety (PDF 140 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000506 Watt Deloitte Evaluation (PDF 143KB)  3/05/2017
SQ17-000507 Watt GP Consults (PDF 165 KB)  2/05/2017
SQ17-000508 Siewert Practice Incentives Programs (PDF 229 KB)  2/05/2017

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829