Additional Documents

1 PDF: Additional information from Ms Loretta Carroll, received 4 September 2015 Additional information from Ms Loretta Carroll, received 4 September 2015
2 PDF: Letter from Rod Sims, ACCC. Received 3 November 2015. Letter from Rod Sims, ACCC. Received 3 November 2015.
3 PDF: Additional information provided by the Australian Meat Processor Corporation, received 5 April 2016. Additional information provided by the Australian Meat Processor Corporation, received 5 April 2016.
4 PDF: Additional information provided by the Australian Meat Processor Corporation, received 8 April 2016. Additional information provided by the Australian Meat Processor Corporation, received 8 April 2016.

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511