Membership of the committee

Senator Glenn Sterle, Chair Western Australia, ALP
Senator Barry O'Sullivan, Deputy Chair Queensland, NATS
Senator Slade Brockman Western Australia, LP
Senator David Bushby (to 17 August 2017) Tasmania, LP
Senator Anthony Chisholm  Queensland, ALP
Senator Malarndirri McCarthy Northern Territory, ALP
Senator Janet Rice Victoria, AG
Substitute members for this inquiry
Senator Alex Gallacher
      to replace Senator Malarndirri McCarthy
South Australia, ALP
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young
      to replace Senator Janet Rice
South Australia, AG
Senator Jenny McAllister
      to replace Senator Anthony Chisholm
New South Wales, ALP
Other Senators participating in this inquiry
Senator Rex Patrick South Australia, CA
Senator Cory Bernardi South Australia, AC
Senator Sterling Griff South Australia, CA
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore South Australia, NXT


Dr Jane Thomson, Secretary
Ms Sarah Redden, Principal Research Officer
Ms Trish Carling, Senior Research Officer
Ms Erin Pynor, Senior Research Officer (to 6 October 2017)
Ms Lillian Tern, Senior Research Officer (to 14 September 2018)
Ms Helen Ulcoq, Research Officer (to 27 July 2018)
Mr Michael Fisher, Research Officer
Mr Max Stenstrom, Administrative Officer

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Ph:    02 6277 3511
Fax:  02 6277 5811


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