Inland Rail: derailed from the start

August 2021

© Commonwealth of Australia 2021
ISBN: 978-1-76093-272-5

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  Business case
  24-hour journey time
  Future terminal strategy for Brisbane and South East Queensland
  Passenger network
  Community engagement

List of Recommendations

Chapter 1—Introduction and background

  Freight and supply chain
  The Inland Rail Business Case
  Bilateral agreements
  Inland Rail Project

Chapter 2—Inland Rail business case, cost and competitiveness

  Inland Rail’s business case
  Key concerns
  Committee comment and recommendation
  Committee comment
  Committee comment and recommendations

Chapter 3—Port and intermodal connectivity

  Inland Rail connectivity to the Port of Brisbane
  Committee comment and recommendation
  Port of Gladstone
  Committee comment and recommendations
  Acacia Ridge and Bromelton intermodal facilities
  Committee comment and recommendations
  Committee comment and recommendation
  Melbourne intermodal facility and connectivity to the Port of Melbourne
  Committee comment and recommendation
  Inland Rail Interface Improvement Program
  Committee comment and recommendation

Chapter 4—Stakeholder engagement and consultation

  Engagement and consultation overview
  Criticism of the ARTC’s stakeholder engagement process
  ARTC’s response to criticism of its stakeholder and engagement process
  Committee comment and recommendations

Chapter 5—Inland Rail alignment and key concerns - Queensland

  NSW/Queensland Border to Gowrie project
  Committee comment and recommendations
  Gowrie to Kagaru projects (Gowrie to Helidon, Helidon to Calvert and Calvert to Kagaru)
  Committee comment and recommendations

Chapter 6—Inland Rail alignment and key concerns - NSW & Victoria

  North Star to NSW/Queensland border project
  Narromine to Narrabri project
  Committee comment and recommendations
  Tottenham to Albury project
  Committee comment

Additional comments by Coalition senators

  Commentary on Recommendation 1
  Commentary on Recommendation 2
  Commentary on Recommendation 3
  Commentary on Recommendation 12
  Commentary on Recommendation 26

Dissenting report on Inland Rail from Senator Pauline Hanson

  Port of Brisbane and Acacia Ridge
  Port of Gladstone
  Queensland Inland Rail projects
  Local businesses
  General observations

Appendix 1—Submissions and additional information

Appendix 2—Public hearings and witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the management of the Inland Rail project by the Australian Rail Track Corporation and the Commonwealth Government.

Past Public Hearings

08 Jun 2021: Gladstone
22 Apr 2021: Melbourne
27 Jan 2021: Brisbane
