Chapter 4.5

Value-adding in Agricultural Production

Chapter 4.5

Agricultural Product Marketing Research Units

4.87 Mr Geoffrey Quinn of the University of New England suggested in a submission to the inquiry that Agricultural Product Marketing Research Units (APMRUs) be established within various Australian universities. These units would become:

Other roles of the units would be to:

4.88 Mr Quinn was of the view that the APMRUs would “alter the ethos of agricultural production and marketing from having a commodity market to a product market orientation.” [115]

4.89 In the view of Mr Quinn a primary aim of the APMRUs should be the provision of opportunities to undergraduate and postgraduate students to learn in the market place. The units would expose students to:

4.90 In the conclusion to his submission Mr Quinn stated that:

4.91 In evidence to the inquiry Mr Quinn suggested that some of the money presently allocated to research and development by corporations be directed to market development and the provision of education concerning export markets. [118]During his evidence Mr Quinn stressed the importance of knowing as much as possible about overseas markets. He told the Committee:

Conclusion and recommendation

4.92 The Committee is of the view that Agricultural Product Marketing Units do offer the potential of making significant contributions to the marketing of agricultural products and at the same time provide marketing skills to students who take part in the activities of the units. There would be the potential of an overlap in the activities by the units and other existing research bodies. However, the Committee is confident that any overlap or conflict between the units and other bodies can be overcome. Therefore the Committee recommends that as an initial step relevant Commonwealth authorities consult with State authorities to ascertain how such units could best be established, define what activities they might most profitably carry out, what their relationships would be with existing research and marketing bodies and what financial arrangements could be put in place to support them.


[113] Submission, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, p. 12.

[114] Submission, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, p. 22.

[115] Submission, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, p. 12.

[116] Submission, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, pp. 22, 23.

[117] Submission, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, p. 28.

[118] Evidence, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, p. 514.

[119] Evidence, Mr Geoffrey Quinn, p. 507.