Chapter 4.4

Value-adding in Agricultural Production

Chapter 4.4

Shared strategies between government and industry to support value-adding activities

4.83 A number of suggested strategies were put forward during the inquiry which could possibly involve both government and agriculturally related industry working cooperatively together. These strategies, targeted at achieving value-adding in agricultural production, included:

Conclusions and recommendation

4.84 The Committee encourages all levels of government to work in a cooperative manner with industry groups to increase and improve the quality of value-adding activities in agriculturally based industries.

4.85 The Committee appreciates that Commonwealth Government agencies are involved in many of the suggested shared strategies set out above. However, the Committee strongly encourages all relevant government authorities to review their involvement in these activities and ascertain how they can further strengthen their involvement with industry groups to support value-adding activities.

4.86 In relation to supporting the export of value-added products the Committee sees an important role for the Commonwealth Government, particularly Austrade. The Committee recommends that Austrade review its programs and activities formulated to enhance the export of agriculturally based value-added products.


[105] Submission, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, p. 2.

[106] Horticultural Task Force, Strategies for Growth in Australian Horticulture, Canberra, February 1994, p. iii.

[107] Peter McKerrow, Value-Adding to Agriculture, Agricultural Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, March 1992, pp. 32-33.

[108] Evidence, Victorian Government, p. 30.

[109] Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, Innovations and Competitiveness in the Australian Processed Food Industry, prepared by the Centre for Technology and Social Change, University of Wollongong, AGPS, 1990, p. xiii.

[110] Peter McKerrow, Value-Adding to Agriculture, Agricultural Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, March 1992, pp. 32-33.

[111] Horticultural Task Force, Strategies for Growth in Australian Horticulture, Canberra, February 1994, p. iii.

[112] Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, Innovations and Competitiveness in the Australian Processed Food Industry, prepared by the Centre for Technology and Social Change, University of Wollongong, AGPS, 1990, p. ix.