Appendix 4 - Bulk Water Supply Infrastructure Program Initiatives

Appendix 4 - Bulk Water Supply Infrastructure Program Initiatives

Project Title

Project Description

Date Complete

Current Status

Western Corridor Recycled Water Project

Bulk recycled water supply linking Luggage Point on Brisbane’s east to Caboonbah in the north-west of SEQ. This water will be used by power stations and industrial users and to supplement the urban water supply via Wivenhoe Dam. Overall length of pipelines is approximately 200km with a combined capacity to supply 210 ML/day.

Stage 1A 31/7/2007


Stage 1B 30/4/2008


Stage 2  31/12/2008

Bundamba to Swanbank pipeline under construction.

Bundamba 1A Advanced Water Treatment Plant under construction.

Western pipeline section to Wivenhoe – under construction.

Eastern pipeline section to Luggage Point – under construction.

Luggage Point & Gibson Island Treatment Plant – under construction.

SEQ (Gold Coast) Desalination Project

Facility based at Tugun will desalinate seawater to a potable water standard. It will have the capacity to produce up to 125 ML/day for distribution across SEQ.


Preparatory site work commenced in September 06.

Excavation of ntake/outlet shafts substantially progressed.

Major site works to commence April 07.

Southern Regional Water Pipeline

A 100 km bulk treated water supply network between Brisbane and the Gold Coast with reverse flow capacity to distribute up to 130 ML/day.


Pipeline construction started October 06.

Main construction activities progressing include:

Northern Pipeline Interconnector

A 90 km pipeline to connect the Sunshine Coast bulk water storages (Mary River-Noosa, Baroon Pocket Dam, Wappa Dam and Ewen Maddock Dam) with the SEQ Water Grid at Morayfield/Narangba to distribute up to 65 ML/day.


A range of preliminary and interim preconstruction activities are progressing, including environmental assessments and approvals processes, community and stakeholder consultation, concept engineering development, corridor selection and land assessment activities.


Project Title

Project Description

Date Complete

Current Status

Eastern Pipeline Interconnector

A total of 20 km of pipelines to connect Redland Shire bulk water sources (North Stradbroke Island aquifer and Leslie Harrison Dam) with the SEQ Water Grid at Logan City to distribute up to 22 ML/day


The project is currently in the preliminary planning phase, with a series of detailed site investigations progressing.

A pre-lodgement briefing with the Federal Department of the Environment, Heritage and Water Resources was undertaken on 12 February 2007.

Detailed assessment and project design yet to undertaken

Cedar Grove Weir

Weir on the Logan River near Jimboomba. Will operate in conjunction with Wyaralong Dam and Bromelton Offstream Storage


Commonwealth approval not required.

State approvals progressing.

Design work completed.

 Construction to start May 07.

Bromelton Offstream Storage

Construction of an 8,000 ML storage facility adjacent to the Logan River in the vicinity of Bromelton. This project will generate an extra 5,000 ML/a through water harvesting from the Logan River.


Necessary preliminary feasibility investigations, including preliminary geotechnical, environmental scans, and hydrological modelling are being advanced.

 A preferred site has been selected. Further detailed investigation and acquisition work is progressing to confirm the site.

Detailed approvals yet to be sought.

Wyaralong Dam

The project is to be located on Teviot Brook, approximately 14 kilometres north-west of Beaudesert in the Logan River catchment. It is estimated that the system will yield up to 21,000 ML/a, when operated in concert with Cedar Grove Weir on the Logan River


On 13 December 2006 the Federal Minister of the Department of Environment and Heritage decided that the Project constitutes a 'controlled action' under the EPBC Act. The ToR for the EIS will be finalised in April 2007.

Preconstruction project development advancing, including full EIS, water quality & land management, cultural heritage assessment, community consultation, and voluntary land acquisition


Project Title

Project Description

Date Complete

Current Status

Traveston Crossing Dam Stage 1

The first stage of Traveston Crossing Dam, will involve the construction of a 153,000 megalitre storage on the Mary River, approximately 16km south of Gympie. Stage 1 of the dam will deliver up to 70,000 ML/a. (Full details at Section 8 of this Submission)


On 29 November 2006 the then Federal Minister of the Department of Environment and Heritage decided that the Project constitutes a 'controlled action' under the EPBC Act.

The ToR for the EIS will be finalised in April 2007.

Preconstruction project development advancing, including full EIS, water quality and land management, cultural heritage assessment and community consultation.

Borumba Dam Stage 3

Raise Borumba Dam to a FSL of around 163.7 metres, with a capacity of some 350,000 ML. It is anticipated that a raised Borumba Dam will be capable of generating an additional 40,000 ML/yr, when operated in concert with Traveston Stage 1.


A community - led proposal to raise Borumba Dam as an alternative to the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam Stage 1 is currently being assessed by the QWC

Traveston Crossing Dam Stage 2

The second stage of Traveston Crossing Dam involves all necessary dam and other infrastructure modifications to increase the storage capacity to 570,000 ML. Traveston Crossing Dam, when finalised at stage 2, will deliver 150,000 ML, operating in concert with a raised Borumba Dam


Voluntary land purchases for those landholders potentially affected by Stage 2 commenced.

Preliminary project planning to inform optimisation of infrastructure relocation.

Source: Queensland Government, Submission 166, pp 102–105.

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