Appendix 3 - Documents referred to in this report

Appendix 3 - Documents referred to in this report

ACIL Tasman, The Scoping Economic Futures - Traveston Crossing Region future economic and business development scenarios, February 2007.

Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Water Resources, Water Supply Sources for the Sunshine Coast and the Mary River Valley, December, 1994.

GHD Pty Ltd, Kinhill, South East Queensland Water and Wastewater Management and Infrastructure Study: Final Report for Phase 1 (Volume 1), April 1999.

GHD Pty Ltd, South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy - Desktop Review of Identified Dam and Weir Sites, June 2006.

Hales, R, Anderson, A, Critique of the ‘Integrated Water Supply Options for North East New South Wales and South East Queensland, SMEC Report’, July 2007.

Hales, R, A Discussion Paper on the QLD Government's Assessment and Management of the Social Impacts of the Proposed Dam on the Mary River, Brisbane, 2007.

Marsden Jacob Associates, The economics of rainwater tanks and alternative water supply options. Prepared for the Australian Conservation Foundation, Nature Conservation Council (NSW) and Environment Victoria. April 2007.

Queensland Water Resources Commission, SEQ Sources Study, 1991.

Queensland Water Commission, Draft for Consultation The Framework for a South East Queensland Regional Demand Management Program 2007–2009, March 2007.

Queensland Water Infrastructure Pty Ltd. Traveston Crossing Dam Overview Geotechnical Investigations - As At 12 February 2007, 2007

State of Queensland, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, SEQ Regional Water Supply Strategy – Stage 2 Interim Report, November 2005.

SMEC, Integrated Water Supply Options for north east New South Wales and south east Queensland, 2007.

Turner, A, Hausler, G, Carrard, N, Kazaglis, A, White, S, Hughes, A and Johnson, T. Review of Water Supply-Demand Options for South East Queensland, Institute for Sustainable Futures, Sydney and Cardno, Brisbane, February, 2007.

Witt, G. B, Witt, K. J and Taylor, A. Alternative supply options to the proposed Wyaralong Dam: Preliminary analysis and presentation of potential supply options to achieve the proposed Wyaralong Dam contribution (to the proposed Cedar Grove weir) at lower social, economic and environmental cost. Report prepared for the Deputy Premier of Queensland and Minister for Infrastructure Anna Bligh, 2007.

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