Table of Contents

The Proposed Importation of Fresh Apple Fruit from New Zealand

Table of Contents

Introduction (Word format) (PDF format)

Part I

Chapter One (Word format) (PDF format)
Australia’s Membership of the World Trade Organisation

Chapter Two (Word format) (PDF format)
The Determination of Australian Quarantine Policy

Chapter Three (Word format) (PDF format)
The Apple and Pear Industries in Australia and New Zealand

Part II
The Draft Import Risk Analysis Development

Chapter Four (Word format) (PDF format)
The Conduct of the Current Apple Import Risk Analysis

Chapter Five (Word format) (PDF format)
The Draft Apple Import Risk Analysis
Decision-Making Process

Chapter Six (Word format) (PDF format)
The Draft Apple Import Risk Analysis Consultation Process

Part III
The Draft Import Risk Analysis Methodology

Chapter Seven (Word format) (PDF format)
The Draft Import Risk Analysis Methodology

Chapter Eight (Word format) (PDF format)
Criticisms of the Draft Import Risk Analysis Methodology

Part IV
The Draft Import Risk Anaylsis Science

Chapter Nine (Word format) (PDF format)
The Draft Pest Categorisation

Chapter Ten (Word format) (PDF format)
The Unrestricted Risk Posed by Erwinia amylovora

Chapter Eleven (Word format) (PDF format)
The Unrestricted Risk Posed by Other Pests

Chapter Twelve (Word format) (PDF format)
The Draft Risk Management Protocols

Chapter Thirteen (Word format) (PDF format)
The Management of fire blight

Part V
The Final Import Risk Analysis

Chapter Fourteen (Word format) (PDF format)
Determination of the Final Import risk analysis

Chapter Fifteen (Word format) (PDF format)
The Impact of the Possible importation of New Zealand apples

Chapter Sixteen (Word format) (PDF format)
Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix One (Word format) (PDF format)

Appendix Two (Word format) (PDF format)

Appendix Three (Word format) (PDF format)

Appendix Four (Word format) (PDF format)