Appendix 1

Dates relating to annual reports presented between 1 May 2018 and 31 October 2018

Reporting Body Type of body Submitted to Minister Received by Minister Tabled in the Senate or presented out of sitting (*) Tabled in the House of Representatives
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Corporate Commonwealth entity 13/09/18 14/09/18 12/11/18 18/10/18
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Commonwealth company 14/09/18 14/09/18 16/10/18 16/10/18
Australian Research Council Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 26/09/18 26/09/18 12/11/18 22/10/18
Australian Skills Quality Authority Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 18/09/18 24/09/18 17/10/18 17/10/18
Australian National University Corporate Commonwealth entity 13/04/18 13/04/18 13/08/18 28/06/18
Department of Education and Training Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 28/09/18 28/09/18 12/11/18 18/10/18
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 11/09/18 11/09/18 15/10/18 15/10/18
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 27/09/18 28/09/18 12/11/18 22/10/18
Australian Building and Construction Commission Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 28/09/18 01/10/18 17/10/18 17/10/18
Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation Corporate Commonwealth entity 12/10/18 12/10/18 12/11/18 24/10/18
Comcare and Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission Corporate Commonwealth entity 05/10/18 05/10/18 17/10/18 17/10/18
Department of Jobs and Small Business Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 14/09/18 14/09/18 16/10/18 16/10/18
Fair Work Commission Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 18/09/18 18/09/18 17/10/18 17/10/18
Fair Work Ombudsman and Registered Organisations Commission Entity Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 17/09/18 25/09/18 17/10/18 17/10/18
Safe Work Australia Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 19/09/18 20/09/18 12/11/18 22/10/18
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority – Seacare Non-corporate Commonwealth entity 05/10/18 05/10/18 17/10/18 17/10/18

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