Comments on individual reports

Comments on individual reports

Departmental annual reports

Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs

1.1                   The report meets all legal reporting requirements.

Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business

1.2         The department has met its reporting requirements in this annual report.

Annual reports of statutory authorities

Education, Training and Youth Affairs Portfolio

Australian National Training Authority - Annual Performance Report 1998-99

1.3         This report by ANTA meets all reporting requirements.

Australian National Training Authority – Australian National Report 1998 Volumes 1-3

1.4         All reporting requirements were met by these reports.

Australian National University Annual Report 1998

1.5         This report by the University met all reporting requirements.

1.6         Senator Stott Despoja made reference to this document in the Senate on 12 May 1999.

Employment Workplace Relations and Small Business Portfolio

Affirmative Action Agency 1998-99

1.7         Senator Gibbs made reference to this report in the Senate on 20 October 1999.

1.8         This report meets all legal requirements for a statutory authority.

Australian Industrial Relations Commission and Australian Industrial Registry Annual Reports 1998-1999

1.9         Both these reports met all reporting criteria.

Comcare and QWL Corporation Pty Ltd Annual Reports 1998-1999

1.10        Senator Cooney spoke to this report in the Senate on 19 October 1999.

1.11        The reports have met all reporting requirements.

Safety, rehabilitation and Compensation Commission Report 1998-1999

1.12        Senator Cooney commented on this report in the Senate on 19 October 1999. This report met all statutory reporting obligations.

Employment Services Regulatory Authority 1997-98

1.13        Section 68 of the Employment Services Act 1994 notes that the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 applies to ESRA. Section 9 of the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 states that the directors of a Commonwealth Authority must present an annual report to the responsible Minister by the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the financial year.

1.14        As this 1997-1998 report was apparently not submitted to the responsible Minister until 2 September 1999, it lies well outside of the expected timeframe. While the responsible Minister is empowered to grant an extension of time, the Committee could find no record of such an extension.

1.15        Senator Stott Despoja commented on this report in the Senate Chamber on 28 September 1999.

1.16        This report is the last report covering the Authority’s operations as purchasing case management services. The next report, already tabled, covers the winding up operations of this Authority and will be reported on in the next Report on Annual Reports.

1.17        The Minister for Employment Services tabled his response to be read in conjunction with this report.

1.18        This report meets all annual report requirements for a statutory authority with the exception noted above in regard to timeliness.

Office of the Employment Advocate Annual Report 1998-1999

1.19        Senators Ludwig and Cooney both addressed this report in the Senate on 20 October 1999. All reporting requirements have been met.

National Occupational Health and Safety Commission Annual Report 1998-1999

1.20        The report has met all legal reporting requirements.

Annual reports of non-statutory authorities and other bodies

Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business Portfolio

Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation, Annual Report 1998-1999

1.21        The report fulfilled all reporting requirements.

Annual reports on the operations of acts

Education, Training and Youth Affairs Portfolio

Higher Education Funding Act 1988, 1998 Determinations

1.22        The report fulfilled all reporting requirements.

Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business Portfolio

National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, The Operation of the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989, Annual Report 1998-1999

1.23        All reporting requirements were fulfilled by this report.

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