Appendix 2

Public hearing and witnesses

Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House
Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
Ms Kate Carnell, Ombudsman
Mr Craig Latham, Deputy Ombudsman
Ms Alexandra Hordern, Director of Advocacy
Council of Small Business Organisations Australia
Mr Peter Strong, Chief Executive Officer
Self Employed Australia
Mr Ken Phillips, Executive Director
Australian Trucking Association
Mr Bill McKinley, Chief of Staff
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and CPA Australia
Mr Gavan Ord, Manager Business & Investment Policy, CPA Australia
Mrs Karen McWilliams, Business Reform Leader, CAANZ
Mrs Susan Franks, Senior Tax Advocate, CAANZ
Business Council of Australia
Mr Simon Pryor, Head of Major Projects, Regulation and Corporate Governance
Australian Industry Group
Dr Peter Burn, Head of Influence and Policy
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Dr Neil 'Ross' Lambie, Chief Economist
Mr Daniel Popovski, Senior Advisor, Economics and Industry Policy
Department Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Mr Peter Cully, Head of Division, Small and Family Business
Ms Rose Verspaandonk, General Manager, Small and Family Business

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