Appendix 2

Public Hearings and Witnesses

Thursday, 12 July 2018
Corinthian Room
Sydney Masonic Centre
66 Goulburn Street
Transport Workers' Union
Mr Michael Kaine, National Assistant Secretary
Mr Sam McIntosh, Senior Political Campaigner
Mr John Waltis, Member
Associate Professor Lynda Matthews, private capacity
Ms Julia Collins, Industry Policy Advisor
Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
Dr Deborah Vallance, National Health and Safety Coordinator
New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association
Mr Brett Holmes, General Secretary
Ms Leslie Gibbs, WHS Professional Officer

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Committee Room 1
Parliament of Queensland
Corner of George and Alice Street
Mr Michael Garrels, private capacity
Mrs Lee Garrels, private capacity
Mr Kevin and Mrs Christine Fuller, private capacity
Mr Daniel and Mrs Debra Kennedy, private capacity
Mrs Jennifer Newport, private capacity
Queensland Council of Unions
Dr John Martin, Research and Policy Officer
Master Electricians Australia
Mr Jason O'Dwyer, Manager, Advisory Services
Consultative Committee for Workplace Fatalities and Serious Incidents
Mr Michael Garrels, Interim Chair
Mrs Lee Garrels, Interim Member
Mr Sean O'Connor, Interim Deputy Chair
Mr Kevin and Mrs Christine Fuller, Interim Members
Mr Daniel and Mrs Debra Kennedy, Interim Members
Mr Don and Mrs Julie Sager, Interim Members
Ms Louisa Wilson, Interim Member
Mr David Miles, Interim Member
Queensland Government
Mr Paul Goldsbrough, Executive Director, Workplace Health and Safety, Engagement and Policy Services, Office of Industrial Relations

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Gretel Room
Hobart Function and Conference Centre
1 Elizabeth Street Pier
Electrical Trades Union
Mr Michael Anderson, State Secretary
Mr Trevor Gauld, National Policy Officer

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House
Mrs Kay Catanzariti, private capacity
Master Builders Australia
Mr Shaun Schmitke, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and National Director Safety, Contracts, Workplace Relations
Mrs Julie LeBrocq-Goggin and Mr Wayne Goggin, private capacity
Associate Professor Neil Foster, private capacity
Safe Work Australia
Ms Michelle Baxter, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Amanda Grey, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Mr Kris Garred, Director, Evidence
Mrs Jackii Shepherd, Director, Occupational Hygiene Policy
Ms Bianca Wellington, Director, WHS Framework, Principal Government Lawyer
Ms Amanda Johnston, General Counsel
Australian Industry Group
Mr Mark Goodsell, Head, NSW
ACT Government
Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations
Mr Dave Peffer, Deputy Director-General, Access Canberra
Mr Michael Young, Executive Director, Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations Division
Mr Greg Jones, ACT Work Safety Commissioner

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Plaza Ballroom
Vibe Savoy
630 Little Collins Street
Recruitment, Consulting and Staffing Association
Mr Charles Cameron, Chief Executive Officer
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Mr Michael Borowick, Assistant Secretary
Ms Sophie Ismail, Legal and Industrial Officer
Mr Paul Garrett, Assistant Branch Secretary, Sydney Branch, Maritime Union of Australia
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
Mr Rod Hodgson, Principal
Uniting GriefWork
Ms Bette Phillips-Campbell, Program Manager
Dr Lana Cormie, private capacity
Mr Dave and Mrs Janine Brownlee, private capacity
Victorian Trades Hall Council
Dr Paul Sutton, Lead of the Occupational Health and Safety Team
Victorian Government
Mr Paul Fowler, A/g Executive Director, Health and Safety Business Unit, WorkSafe Victoria

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Hindley Room 1
Hotel Grand Chancellor
65 Hindley Street
Voice of Industrial Death
Ms Andrea Madeley, Founder
Panel of impacted VOID families
Mr Lee Salvemini, private capacity
Mrs Edith Logan, private capacity
Mr Keith Logan, private capacity
Mrs Susan Gallina, private capacity
Ms Pam Gurner-Hall, private capacity

Thursday, 30 August 2018

King Sound Room
Esplanade Hotel
Corner of Marine Terrace and Essex Street
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ms Alana Matheson, Deputy Director, Workplace Relations
Ms Jennifer Low, Associate Director, Workplace Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation Policy
Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Union
Mr Mick Buchan, State Secretary
Panel of impacted families
Mr Mark and Mrs Janice Murrie, private capacity
Mrs Debra and Ms Ashlea Cunico, private capacity
Mr Jon-Paul and Mr Gerald Bradley, private capacity
Ms Regan Ballantine, private capacity
Mrs Patricia Kelsh, private capacity
Maritime Union of Australia
Mr Thomas Mayor, Branch Secretary, Northern Territory Branch

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House
Ms Robyn Colson, private capacity

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Past Public Hearings

19 Sep 2018: Canberra
30 Aug 2018: Fremantle
29 Aug 2018: Adelaide