


[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 52, 4 September 2014, p. 1421.

[2]        Parliament of Australia, Senate Committees, Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment, Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, (accessed 8 September 2014).

[3]        Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[4]        The Hon. Mr Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education, House of Representatives Hansard,
4 September 2014, p. 1.

[5]        Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[6]        The Hon. Mr Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education, House of Representatives Hansard,
4 September 2014, p. 1.

[7]        The Hon. Mr Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education, House of Representatives Hansard,
4 September 2014, p. 1.

[8]        Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[9]        Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 5.

[10]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 5.

[11]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[12]      The Hon. Mr Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education, House of Representatives Hansard,
4 September 2014, p. 1.

[13]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[14]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights, p. 1.

[15]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights, p. 4.

[16]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

[17]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.

CHAPTER 2 - Key Issues

[1]        Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[2]        Fair Entitlements Guarantee Bill 2014, Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights, p. 2.

[3]        Department of Employment, Submission 13, p. 11.

[4]        Submission 13, p. 11.

[5]        Slater and Gordon Lawyers, Submission 11, p. 3; Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, Submission 8, p. 5; Queensland Nurses' Union, Submission 10, p. 3.

[6]        Submission 8, p. 5.

[7]        Mr Trevor Clarke, Director, Industrial and Research, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 9.

[8]        Ms Michele O'Neil, National Secretary, Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 11.

[9]        Australian Industry Group, Submission 3, p. 7.

[10]      Mr Richard Clancy, Director, Workplace Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 2.

[11]      Mr Richard Clancy, Director, Workplace Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 2.

[12]      Master Builders Australia, Submission 2, p. 3.

[13]      Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 3.

[14]      Mr Richard Clancy, Director, Workplace Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 4.

[15]      Business SA, Submission 1, p. 2.

[16]      National Electrical and Communications Association, Submission 12, p. 1.

[17]      Submission 13, p. 11.

[18]      Mr Trevor Clarke, Director, Industrial and Research, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 10.

[19]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 21.

[20]      Submission 13, p. 7.

[21]      Submission 13, p. 11.

[22]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p.18.

[23]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 3.

[24]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 3.

[25]      Fair Entitlements Guarantee Amendment Bill 2014, Explanatory Memorandum, pp. 5–6.

[26]      Submission 5, p. 5.

[27]      Submission 13, pp 13–14.

[28]      Senator Sue Lines, Proof Committee Hansard, pp 19–20.

[29]      Mr Matthew Bankins, Senior Government Lawyer, Workplace Relations Legal Group, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 20.

[30]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, pp 20–21.

[31]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 7.

[32]      Submission 5, p. 10.

[33]      Ms Sue Saunders, Acting Group Manager, Workplace Relations Implementation and

Safety Group, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 22.

[34]      Ms Sue Saunders, Acting Group Manager, Workplace Relations Implementation and

Safety Group, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 22.

[35]      Ms Sue Saunders, Acting Group Manager, Workplace Relations Implementation and

Safety Group, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 22.

[36]      Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, Submission 7, p. 14.

[37]      Ms Michele O'Neil, National Secretary, Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 12.

[38]      Mr Steve Dargavel, Victorian State Secretary, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 10.

[39]      Mr Trevor Clarke, Director, Industrial and Research, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 9.

[40]      Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 1.

[41]      Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, pp 4–5.

[42]      Mr Richard Clancy, Director, Workplace Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 4.

[43]      Mr Richard Clancy, Director, Workplace Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 5.

[44]      Mr Richard Clancy, Director, Workplace Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 6.

[45]      Senator Sue Lines, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 23.

[46]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 23.

[47]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 25.

[48]      Senator Bridget McKenzie, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 25.

[49]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 25.


[1]        Slater and Gordon Lawyers, Submission 11, p. 3; Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, Submission 8, p. 5; Queensland Nurses' Union, Submission 10, p. 3.

[2]        Australian Industry Group, Submission 3, p. 7.

[3]        Ms Michele O'Neil, National Secretary, Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 11.

[4]        Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 3.

[5]        Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 1.

[6]        Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, Submission 7, p. 14.

[7]        Ms Michele O'Neil, National Secretary, Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 12.

[8]        Mr Steve Dargavel, Victorian State Secretary, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 10.

[9]        Mr Trevor Clarke, Director, Industrial and Research, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 9.


[11]      Proof Committee Hansard, p. 23.

[12]      Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 23.

[13]      Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, pp. 4–5.

[14]      Department of Employment, Submission 13, p. 7.

[15]      Department of Employment, Submission 13, p. 11.

[16]      Mr Trevor Clarke, Director, Industrial and Research, Australian Council of Trade Unions, Proof Committee Hansard, 17 September 2014, p. 10.

[17]      National Commission of Audit Report, Appendix Volume 2, p. 117.

[18]      National Commission of Audit Report, Appendix Volume 2, p. 117.

[19]      Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, response to questions on notice, 18 September 2014, p.1.

[20]      Australian Council of Trade Unions, Submission 5, Appendix 2, P. 15


[1]        The Hon. Mr Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education, House of Representatives Hansard,
4 September 2014.

[2]        Ms Sandra Parker, Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations and Economic Strategy, Department of Employment, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 23.

[3]        Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Workplace Relations, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 3.