Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Balmoral Room
Stamford Plaza
111 Little Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC
Council of Small Business Organisations Australia
Mr Peter Strong, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Mark McKenzie, Chairman
Australian Industry Group
Mr Stephen Smith, Head of National Workplace Relations Policy
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ms Tamsin Lawrence, Deputy Director, Workplace Relations
Ms Ingrid Fraser, Senior Advisor, Workplace Relations
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Mr Tom Roberts, Director of Industrial & Social Policy
Mr James Fleming, Legal and Industrial Officer
Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union
Mr Sean Howe, National Research Coordinator
Australian Workers' Union
Mr Patrick Reilly, Industrial Officer
Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Union
Mr Alex Bukarica, National Legal Director
Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia
Mr Mohammad Al-Khafaji, Acting Chief Executive Officer
National Retail Association
Mr Alexander Millman, Senior Workplace Relations Advisor
Department of Jobs and Small Business
Ms Rachel Volzke, Senior Executive Lawyer
Mr Mitchell Little, Principal Government Lawyer
Mr Timothy Stargatt, Principal Government Lawyer
Ms Joanna Williams, Acting Principal Government Lawyer

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