Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1          Name Withheld  

2          Name Withheld  

3          Mr Kenneth Cole 

4          Name Withheld    

5          Name Withheld  

6          Name Withheld  

7          Name Withheld 

8          Name Withheld   

9          Name Withheld

10        Name Withheld 

11        Name Withheld 

12        Name Withheld

13        Name Withheld  

14        Disability Support and Carers Alliance (plus an attachment)

15        Name Withheld  

16        Name Withheld 

17        Name Withheld 

18        Mr Phil Fowler 

19        Name Withheld  

20        Name Withheld  

21        Name Withheld 

22        Name Withheld  

23        Name Withheld  

24        Mr J Locklyn 

25        Name Withheld 

26        Name Withheld 

27        St Vincent de Paul National Council

28        Mr Bruce Bickerstaff   

29        Mr Julian Donn  

30        National Disability Services  

31        Australian Technology Network of Universities  

32        Name Withheld 

33        Youth Affairs Council of South Australia  

34        Ms Estelle Donse 

35        GetUp! Action for Australia

36        Mrs Margaret Wade  

37        Confidential 

38        Name Withheld 

39        Name Withheld     

40        Name Withheld  

41        National Shelter Inc. 

42        UnitingCare Australia 

43        Young Opportunities Australia

44        Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Assoc.   

45        Anglicare Australia (plus four attachments)

46        National Council of Single Mothers and their Children 

47        Name Withheld  

48        Australian Council of Trade Unions 

49        Brotherhood of St Laurence   

50        Australian Council of Social Service  

51        Name Withheld 

52        FamilyVoice Australia  

53        Mental Health Council of Australia 

54        Name Withheld (plus a supplementary submission)   

55        Fair Go for Pensioners Coalition  

56        Jobs Australia 

57        National Seniors Australia 

58        People with Disability Australia

59        COTA Australia  

60        National Welfare Rights Network (plus a supplementary submission)    

61        Name Withheld  

62        Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory (plus an attachment) 

63        Carers Australia   

64        Domestic Violence Legal Service

65        National Union of Students

66        Department of Social Services


Additional Information

1          Budget Priorities Statement 2014-2015, by Australian Council of Social Service, tabled by Australian Council of Social Service, at Sydney public hearing 20 August 2014 

2          A Budget that divides the nation, ACOSS 2014-15 Budget Analysis, by Australian Council of Social Service, tabled by Australian Council of Social Service, at Sydney public hearing 20 August 2014 

3          Back to Basics, Simplifying Australia's family payments system to tackle child poverty, by Australian Council of Social Service, tabled by Australian Council of Social Service, at Sydney public hearing 20 August 2014 

4          Information on the areas in which the UnitingCare Network operates, tabled by UnitingCare, at Sydney public hearing 21 August 2014 


Answers to Questions on Notice

1          Answers to Questions on Notice received from Council of Single Mothers and their Children, 26 August 2014 

2          Answers to Questions on Notice received from Department of Social Services, 28 August 2014 

3          Answers to Questions on Notice received from Department of Social Services, 29 August 2014 



1          Correspondence clarifying evidence given at Sydney public hearing on 21 August, from Department of Social Services, received 29 August 2014

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