

Hon Stuart Robert MP

Deputy Chair

Hon Michael Danby MP


Mr John Alexander OAM, MP
Senator Slade Brockman (from 17.08.17)
Senator David Bushby (from 26.06.17 to 17.08.17)
Mr Chris Crewther MP
Senator Sam Dastyari
Senator David Fawcett
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (from 09.08.17)
Senator Kimberley Kitching
Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald
Mrs Nola Marino MP
Senator Jenny McAllister
Ms Susan Templeman MP
Mr Ross Vasta MP
Mr Andrew Wallace MP
Mr Josh Wilson MP

Committee Secretariat

Ms Lynley Ducker, Committee Secretary
Dr Narelle McGlusky, Inquiry Secretary
Mr Kevin Bodel, Senior Research Officer
Ms Stephanie Limm, Researcher
Ms Cathy Rouland, Office Manager

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