Report 173

September 2017

© Commonwealth of Australia 2017
ISBN: 978-1-74366-670-8

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Executive Summary



  Committee Secretariat

Terms of Reference

List of Recommendations

1. Introduction

  Purpose of the report
  Conduct of the Committee’s review

2. Consular functions in Macau - China

  Background of the Australia-Macau relationship
  Reasons for taking proposed treaty action
  The Agreement
  Entry into force
  Committee comment

3. Montreal Protocol - Amendment

  Overview of the Kigali Amendment
  Reasons to undertake proposed treaty action
  The Agreement
  Entry into force
  Committee comment

4. Minor Treaty Actions

  Minor treaty actions
  Lodgement of OECD Declarations for Common Reporting Standards and Country-by-Country Reports

A. List of Submissions

  Consular functions in Macau - China
  Montreal Protocol - amendment

B. List of witnesses

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4002